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Shortcut to backslash \


iPF Noob
Mar 19, 2012
Reaction score
I'm finding getting to the \ a bit of a faff and seem to need it quite a bit. Am I missing an easy route?
Unfortunately, no, there is no easy fix for this. The backslash is where Apple put it and there is no customizing a stock iPad to change that.

Although its the same number of keystrokes, maybe set up a keyboard shortcut so that a two-letter input will result in that backslash being ended?

Other than that, I've got nothing except sympathy. :) Sorry.

I use Marilyn's trick for a few special characters; the # (hsh) and > (rarw) keys which I use a lot. While as many, or even more keystrokes than doing it manually it is still faster for me. I can't seem to switch keyboard modes without pausing.

I tried to come up with two character shortcuts, but it's hard to find combinations that are both uncommon and easy to remember.
gt = >
lt = <
hs = #
ak = *
ct = ^

Granted two of them hit states, but since I don't type states that often, I deal with it.
Yeah, I've personally found that it is rather cumbersome to get to, but hey, I guess that's only a little flaw to the Ipad.

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