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Sharing between Galaxy Note and Ipad 3 through bluetooth?


iPF Noob
Mar 23, 2012
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New IPad owner/user here, I have a Samsung Galaxy Note and I cannot share anything via bluetooth back and forth between my phone and IPad 3. Is this normal? I really don't care about music, videos or other info just docs and pics! Help!
I think that the Apple version of bluetooth is not compatible with other versions of bluetooth? I share documents and pictures between my iPad2, PC and HTC Desire (also Android) by using Dropbox. Find it in the App Store and Google Play for free. Keeps documents synchronised across all the platforms.

Thinking of switching to the Note myself and have had a look in the phone shops. It is huge compared to my Desire but would be great for when I don't want to carry the iPad. Do you use it as a book reader at all as the Desire is too small and the iPad too heavy to carry on a daily basis for this?
I have the Galaxy Note and find it great for when using my ipad is not possible. I don't find it to big as a phone and not to small as a tablet stand in. It won't replace my ipad but rather supplement it when needed.
New IPad owner/user here, I have a Samsung Galaxy Note and I cannot share anything via bluetooth back and forth between my phone and IPad 3. Is this normal? I really don't care about music, videos or other info just docs and pics! Help!

The iPad only uses Bluetooth to connect to external accessories such as headphones or speakers. Your best bet is to find an app for both that'll let you, kind of, share between them using WiFi. Something like Dropbox (which I am only suggesting cause its the only app I know that works on Android devices too).

Pinmac said:
I think that the Apple version of bluetooth is not compatible with other versions of bluetooth? I share documents and pictures between my iPad2, PC and HTC Desire (also Android) by using Dropbox. Find it in the App Store and Google Play for free. Keeps documents synchronised across all the platforms.

Thinking of switching to the Note myself and have had a look in the phone shops. It is huge compared to my Desire but would be great for when I don't want to carry the iPad. Do you use it as a book reader at all as the Desire is too small and the iPad too heavy to carry on a daily basis for this?

The Note is perfect for reading, great size, not to small but beats carrying around a full size tablet when I don't have room. I just finished the Hunger Games Trilogy and I loved reading it on my Galaxy Note. If Apple had an iPhone in the same size I would def get that, hope the iPhone 5 goes bigger. I love my new iPad and could def get used to a decent sized iPhone. Thanks for the info about Dropbox!
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Thanks Marilyn! Dropbox is working great, kinda bummed that Bluetooth doesn't work like I am accustomed to but hey you gotta learn new things every day!

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