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Selling iPad, Anything I need to do special?


iPF Noob
Mar 19, 2012
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I promise I searched because it seems like this would have been discussed.

Anyway, I tranferred the data plan, put a backup on my computer, and wiped it. I am selling it to a family member so I am not worried about recovery tols being used.

Is there anything else I should do or is there anything special she will need to do?
I promise I searched because it seems like this would have been discussed.

Anyway, I tranferred the data plan, put a backup on my computer, and wiped it. I am selling it to a family member so I am not worried about recovery tols being used.

Is there anything else I should do or is there anything special she will need to do?

If, by "wiping it," you mean that you restored it through iTunes so that there is a fresh, out-of-the-box iOS 5.1 on the iPad, then nope, there is nothing else you need do.

Once the family member gets the iPad, she will just need to hook it up to her iTunes (the latest, v10.6) and it will recognize it and help her set it up as a new one.

Not that I know of. however, my old itunes still thinks I have my iPad 2....so I'm wondering if there is a way to tell iTunes you no longer own that iPad. Maybe when another user registers with thta serial number?
Mickey330 said:
If, by "wiping it," you mean that you restored it through iTunes so that there is a fresh, out-of-the-box iOS 5.1 on the iPad, then nope, there is nothing else you need do.

Once the family member gets the iPad, she will just need to hook it up to her iTunes (the latest, v10.6) and it will recognize it and help her set it up as a new one.


I did the remote wipe which should be the same thing, right? It appears to be back to the "like new" state.

Thanks. I wasn't sure if I needed to do anything with my Apple account or something.

Sort of a sad day. It saw us through a tough 12 months. At least it is going to a good home.

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