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Save Gmail attachments on Ipad direct to Google Docs


iPF Noob
May 30, 2012
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Hi All,

I am trying to find a way for the following: when I travel and I receive attachment in my Gmail, how can I save them direct to Google docs? I only have my Ipad....
Next to this: there are a lot of articles how to do this from your PC or Mac, but not from Ipad...
There are several articles on the internet that say you get a special Google Doc email address that can be used to send documents directly to Google Docs; however all their links to where you find what your address is are fizzling. I'm thinking either Google's instruction page moved, or the feature is no longer available. But maybe you'll have better luck finding it than I have.

If you find it, you should be able to forward the email to that address and have the attachment automatically added to your Google Docs.

The method I worked out is a two stepper.

GoodReader can add your GMail account as a server. When you go to GMail this way in GoodReader you can download the attachments (set up right you only see the emails with attachments). Google Docs can also be added as a server, so once the attachment is downloaded you can then upload it to Google Docs.

Alternately you could use any Office Suite app that can connect directly to Google Docs. Just use the Open In… feature in Mail to open the document in your app, then use the app to upload the document back to Google Docs.

There is probably a better way. I'd keep an eye on the new Google Drive thing. It's bound to have some new features, and maybe one of them will work better.

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