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Safari app


iPF Noob
Jun 4, 2010
Reaction score
Hi there,

i cant find my Safari App on the Ipad. Does someone knows why I cant find it?
Gr. Sharon
Is the iPad brand new and have you added anything to it. You may need to do a restore but before you do that try holding off button and home button down until Apple logo appears.
Also try double click home button and try find safari
Is the iPad brand new and have you added anything to it. You may need to do a restore but before you do that try holding off button and home button down until Apple logo appears.
Also try double click home button and try find safari

Yep, like col.bris said try holding both home and the sleep/wake button untill the apple logo comes up on the screen. Then try pressing the home button twice to perform a search for safari. Satari is one of the few apps that come on the iPad and cant be removed unless the ipad has been hacked.

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