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iPF Noob
Oct 29, 2011
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Trying to set a reminder with alarm. Seems everything is set correctly but I never get an alert/reminder.

Volume is at max both in settings and on the side volume control and I have selected a sound. Tried different ones, choo choo the current one. When I select the sound Iin settings I hear the sound as it is previewed.

Any ideas as to what I am doing wrong?

Check Notifications in Settings and make sure you've got either Banners or Alerts turned on. Probably a good idea to turn all the other stuff on too, if you are serious about not missing an alert.
Thanks. Alerts was on. Oddly enough the alert seemed to go off at a time not scheduled.
I haven't had much luck using Reminders for scheduled events. I do use it to remind me to look into or do something after a specific date, like pay a bill, but that's about it.

For real schedules I still use the Calendar. Calendar for everything that must be done on a certain date or time. Reminders for stuff that needs to be done, but not at any specific time.

I think it's a left over from reading and trying to implement the GTD book. ;)

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