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Recent e-mail address mass deletion?


iPF Novice
Hi all,
Does anyone know how to delete the “recent” e-mail addresses in one”fell swoop”?
Doing them one at at time is obvious but its taking forever.
Thanks, Ken
Hello JA,
I don’t know what “built in Mail app” means.
I use e-mail addresses I set up from outlook, gmail and msn.

Hi Ken - first, let us know what iPad model you own and what iOS/iPadOS is installed - what Johanna is asking is 'where' you are storing these email addresses on your iPad - the pic below shows the iPad's native mail app in my dock; another location for storage would be in 'Contacts' - or are you putting the addresses somewhere else? Thanks for any clarification. Dave :)
Hi Dave,
It’s a 5th generation IPAD using IOS 13.3 and I’m doing the same thing you're doing with the contacts/address book but I’m not trying to delete contacts just recent addresses sent.
I’ve found some going back years doing the one-at-a-time delete thing.......to slow!
Hi Dave,
It’s a 5th generation IPAD using IOS 13.3 and I’m doing the same thing you're doing with the contacts/address book but I’m not trying to delete contacts just recent addresses sent.
I’ve found some going back years doing the one-at-a-time delete thing.......to slow!

Hi again Ken - thanks for the information, i.e. you have the newest iPadOS (same as me - thus we are using the same app versions) - just opened my Contacts App (pic below - I'm retired so short and mostly family, friends, and some business people related to my house care; note that last names are blanked) - NOW, I'm assuming that this is the app that you are trying to delete email addresses (and not the Contacts themselves) - correct?

If so, I'm also assuming you are doing what is shown below - selecting the 'Edit' option in the right upper corner (now changed to 'Done'), and then the 'red delete' (arrows) to remove an email address - right? Well, this seems to be the only way, i.e. one at a time - don't believe there is a 'batch removal' option in this iPad app, unless others 'chime-in' with some help? If you have an Apple computer, a Contacts app is there also and if synced to your iCloud account, then your contacts should be in all locations - but I'm not sure that there are 'batch removal' choices in those other locations?

Sorry to not be of much help - hope that others who use this app more than me can be of assistance. Good luck. Dave

Thanks Dave but I’m not sure we’re on exactly the same page....thinking wise.....see below. I made this up for a friend of mine. This may be clearer...

As you type in any address in the to field others come up as whole addresses just below.
On some of these complete addresses, to the right will be a circle with a small (i) in it.
Swiping to the left will bring up a red “delete” box. Tapping on that will delete the address.....just the recent, not the address book.

This seems alphabetical, so you’ll need to type in various letter combinations in the address field to being up other full addresses with that circled small (i).

Alternately, just tapping that circled small i will bring up another box, which at the bottom, says “remove from recents” in red.
If you use the built in Mail app (the blue icon with the white envelope), the only way I know to remove email addresses from recents is by removing them one by one. Afaik, there’s no kind of shortcut or trick to remove more than one at a time. Sorry!
Thanks Dave but I’m not sure we’re on exactly the same page....thinking wise.....see below. I made this up for a friend of mine. This may be clearer...

As you type in any address in the to field others come up as whole addresses just below.
On some of these complete addresses, to the right will be a circle with a small (i) in it.
Swiping to the left will bring up a red “delete” box. Tapping on that will delete the address.....just the recent, not the address book.

This seems alphabetical, so you’ll need to type in various letter combinations in the address field to being up other full addresses with that circled small (i).

Alternately, just tapping that circled small i will bring up another box, which at the bottom, says “remove from recents” in red.

OK Ken - now know what you mean, i.e. you are using the iPadOS 'Mail App' (back in post #3, you stated 'I don’t know what “built in Mail app” means.'); so now we are on the 'right page' - :)

Johanna has just given you an answer - and if you look at my hopefully correct screen capture this time below, you are referring to the 'recent email address suggestions' that pop into a 'new message' as you start to enter letters into the 'To:' field - I'd have to agree w/ her response, i.e. no 'batch removal' features - quoted below is a recent discussion on the new Mail App in iPadOS 13.x (link given) - this is all that is said about the autocomplete suggestions, sorry. Dave

The Email Address Autocomplete Is Tidier
In iOS 12 and older, when you begin typing out an email, you'll get suggestions underneath. The list is pretty bulky and if you have a contact with multiple email addresses, they all show separately. Now, the highlights are up top with Siri suggestions at the bottom, and each contact only shows up once, with the most-used address as the primary. You can tap the chevron to view all of their other email addresses.(Source)

Thanks for all the suggestions folks. You would think there would be a mass delete option, like e-mails themselves.
Oh well.....Ken

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