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Readdle Launches PDF Converter for iPad


iPadForums News Team
Jun 7, 2010
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[FONT=&quot]Many of you will probably already be familiar with Readdle’s PDF Expert app for iPad, and that same company has now come up with another very useful iPad app – PDF Converter. This latest app from the Ukrainian developer enables you to save MS Office and iWork files, as well as web pages and photos, as professional-looking PDFs on your iPad, just perfect for later reading or sharing with your friends or colleagues. [/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]The app features the most accurate PDF conversion available on the iPad, with proper page breaks and content formatting of office documents, spreadsheets or presentations. It’s also seamlessly integrated with Readdle’s other iPad apps, so that you can sign MS Word or Pages documents attached to an email right on your iPad using a combination of Mail, PDF Converter and PDF Expert.[/FONT]

"Just last week I received a Word document on my iPad with NDA to sign. It took 30 seconds to make PDF from Word with PDF Convertor and 90 seconds to complete and sign the agreement in PDF Expert. Two minutes, it's incredible!" comments Alex Tyagulsky, Readdle CMO. "With PDF Converter available on the App Store anyone can do this."

[FONT=&quot]Click here to download the app for $6.99: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/pdf-converter-save-documents/id447444215?mt=8[/FONT]

Source: Readdle

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