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Proof Verizon is far creepier than AT&T

Verizon To Reprimand, Fire Employees Who Try To Save Customers Money - The Consumerist

No one in their right mind should buy and use an Android with the world's greediest cellular network unless they have deep pockets.

I don't buy it. I've had just the opposite situation with Verizon. I've had employee's both in the store and on the phone patiently tell me how I can do something cheaper. And always where it would easy for managers to monitor their behavior.

There's a rest of the story here.....did an Att executive write it?

I have plans with both Verizon and AT&T for years now. Both are about equal in quality and service. I can get better deals with AT&T, but slightly better cell coverage with Verizon. But I still have dropped calls and dead zones.
Verizon has great customer service....been with them almost 10 years.

The article only says the customer service rep can't recommend blocks for specific services.

However, Verizon wireless has a page dedicated to Blocks and limiting services:

Verizon Wireless offers many options to help customers limit the use of services on their account and to limit messages and downloads sent and received. Reasons may vary – from preventing spam and nuisance calls, content control by a parent or employer, or ensuring that a teenager or an employee on the account does not run up a large bill. Review the different scenarios to decide which option fits best. Most options are available to select in My Verizon.

I clicked on this thread thinking I was going to see some Verizon employees got caught sniffing panties or something, and instead I got some BS factually incorrect article link, a title that makes no sense, and a waste of time.

I want my click back.
I clicked on this thread thinking I was going to see some Verizon employees got caught sniffing panties or something, and instead I got some BS factually incorrect article link, a title that makes no sense, and a waste of time.

I want my click back.

Then you loose the 1 more post count you have.....:D
I've been with Verizon for years and hands down some of the best customer service I've ever had. I have a Droid Incredible (since I can't bring myself to go to AT&T for the iPhone, no matter how bad I want it). AT&T service just has too many bad areas around where I'm at. New Android software update is supposed to be adding a wifi hotspot option to my phone, so voila, internet service for my wifi iPad on the road. :D
You can get internet service via WiFi hotspot for free with your HTC DI instead.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VVHj6J2uCKo"]YouTube - HTC Droid Incredible Root in 10mins[/ame]
I've heard the solid root finally came out. I'm still thinking about it, haven't decided for sure. But may do it. Froyo is adding wifi hotspot to the system and Ii'm using PDANet to wifi tether now. I have a feeling if Verizon tries crippling wifi tether, PDANet should be around it quickly. Worst case, I might go ahead and do the root. Going to try to wait for the Froyo to drop first before digging into it. I can just see tearing the programming on my phone up. LOL
I'm going to get the phone when I get back from Germany.

Watching that video was a bad thing. Making me want to tinker again. :D

The Incredible is a good phone. I really like it. Takes some getting used to and it will chew up batteries if you're not careful.

After watching that root video, I may do that before the update drops. REALLY tempting. Either way, its great to see I made the right decision not ordering the 3G iPad. I just couldn't find a reason to have two data plans when I already have the Verizon data in place.

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