Hi all as i read in many place the Ipad will be also useful for many professional usage so let's us try to imagine the more largest list i hope we can find 100 profession can use the IPAD :ipad-keyboard: so let's start, in case if you think of profession but don't see the existing app, give us the needing they have maybe that will give the idea to some of our developer already member here
OK 16 possibility now it's you're turn to be creative i will update this post time to time
- Doctor
- Nurse
- Real estate agent
- Door to Door sale agent
- Customer Service agent in shopping Mall
- Musician
- Mechanic (they need special connector and the possibility to read data from the car some windoze based device already be used in this field)
- Watch developer and manufacturer (yet they use palm with dedicated app')
- Poll agent in the street also in call center
- Representative in booth fair
- Tattooist
- Lottery point of sale
- Horse race gambling ( sorry for my poor english )
- Music Shop ( lot of amazing possibility )
- Book store ( a special app let you read a resume about the book you are looking for, maybe order online the one you want id it's not available )
- Museum ( some yet they provide you an Ipod/Ipod touch)
OK 16 possibility now it's you're turn to be creative i will update this post time to time