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Problems loading music


iPF Novice
Feb 2, 2011
Reaction score
Staffordshire, UK
Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong I added 182 music tracks to my iPad, everything was fine and playing okay. I am now away from home come to play music and it says there is non loaded. Did I do something when I synced to the computer to add a new program.
You may Sync Programs, and yet skip syncing Songs.
You need to take a close look, on you iTunes what you asked it to Sync.

If The original Songs are no longer on the iTune library, and you instructed iTunes to Sync, it is as if you asked iTunes to delete all songs from the iPAD.
Do you have you NEW song running OK on the iPAD, or nothing at all ?

I the iTunes is not supposed to Sync Songs. And yet you can't see them on you iPAd Application, Try a full restart on the iPAD before you start any troubleshooting on the iPAD.
Thanks Peled, I added a couple of new songs and then did a sync to update, I then unpluged from the computer and checked they were all there, which they were. I went to play music yesterday and there is nothing in the library.
This happened last week but was at my comp at the time so just did another sync and they were all back.
Not sure what you mean by a full restart.. I do a complete shutdown when not being used for a while.

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