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Problem with iPad since iOS update - now replaced by Apple


iPF Noob
May 26, 2011
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I haven't been able to use my Ipad since the last update. First it constantly rebooted itself. If I tried to open an app it rebooted, use safari-reboot, read mail reboot! I think you get the picture. Then it would reboot and all of my apps would be gone! Blank pages but the little page dots at the bottom of the page were still there. So I posted on another forum where it was suggested I reset, restore(somtimes an ipad forced restore), and put the ipad in DFM mode( I think I got the term right)-not at the same time mind you progressive. So currently i can
error messages- one about being unable to install itunes(sorry didnt right it down)
when trying to sync apps back on at least 10 say either
A. The app “dictionary" was not installed on the ipad because its resources have been modified(just change app name)
B The app “writepad”” was not installed on the ipad “” because the app signature is not valid
I dont exactly how long it took to download...I usually start it at night and go to bed because my syncing usually takes a while especially when restoring my pictures(10,000 of them).. Soooooo any input would be appreciated. My questions about reverting to a prior os have been answered(can't do it) but can I run the update again in case it did have a problem? Or should I just wait to the next scheduled update(the 28th)? Thanks...hope this wasn't too long..:)..If this should have been a new thread--let me know--still new to this forum/posting thing
I'd call Apple's tech support. This is not normal behavior, and while doing the last update may have caused it, It is not anythig that should be happening if the update installed propperly.
So I did as twerppoppet suggested and apple replaced my iPad no questions asked! So at this moment I am happy. I haven't synced all of my stuff back on yet. I'll do a final post when I do to confirm all is well. Thnx :-}
So I've had my new iPad for a week now and I've synced a few times and so far all is well. I've only had one app that won't open but I assume it's a prob with the app not my iPad. Interesting to note that apple did not update to the latest iOS before giving it to me . It is currently running 4.3 instead of 4.3.3. Currently I refuse to update to 4.33 however I am thinking I probably should in case problems start up again. If I do update in the near future I will add to the post. Otherwise for now I guess I can consider the issue closed. :-}

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Question about update 4.3.3

...Currently I refuse to update to 4.33 however I am thinking I probably should in case problems start up again. If I do update in the near future I will add to the post. Otherwise for now I guess I can consider the issue closed. :-}

Hi, I'm also holding from updating my 1st gen 64GB 3G from iOS 4.3.2, currently working fine to the newer 4.3.3 which I already downloaded.
Not sure if there is going to be some messing, I quite don´t trust the updates.
Any one got some comments on it? Should I update or stay with the current version?

Thanks in advance! :)


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