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Problem with Apple camera connector


iPF Noob
Sep 8, 2012
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I recently bought an Apple ipad camera connector so I could transfer my photos from my camera to my Ipad 2 and it won't work! Such a waste of money ! Has anyone else had this problem pls?
I recently bought an Apple ipad camera connector so I could transfer my photos from my camera to my Ipad 2 and it won't work! Such a waste of money ! Has anyone else had this problem pls?

Hello & welcome to the forum! :) Please provide some more information: 1) What iPad model do you own & which iOS version is installed?; 2) Did you purchase Apple's CCK (Camera Connection Kit) or a 3rd party brand?; and 3) How are you using the CCK, i.e. w/ the SD card from your camera or cabled to your camera? Please provide answers to these questions which will help others to better respond. Dave
Which method did you try to transfer the photos to the iPad?

While some cameras, such as Canon e.g., can use USB to do this, there are others where you have to take the SD card out of the camera and insert it to the CCK.
Which method did you try to transfer the photos to the iPad?

While some cameras, such as Canon e.g., can use USB to do this, there are others where you have to take the SD card out of the camera and insert it to the CCK.

Have tried both methods USB and SD but neither work! Can't understand it ,friend has same ipad and it works perfectly on hers!
Hi my ipad is ipad 2 and it's IOS 7.1. I bought a genuine apple camera connector . It won't work with either USB or SD card. Friend has an Ipad 2 and it works perfectly in hers!
Hi my ipad is ipad 2 and it's IOS 7.1. I bought a genuine apple camera connector . It won't work with either USB or SD card. Friend has an Ipad 2 and it works perfectly in hers!

Well, I have the same iPad & iOS installed - have been using the CCK for nearly 3 years w/o a problem, so rather mystifying since your connector is working fine on your friend's device. If not already done, 'Reset' your iPad (i.e. hold the Sleep & Home buttons simultaneously for 10+ seconds until the Apple logo appears, then release both & wait for the Apple to boot - this is like a hard boot on a computer - NO data/settings/apps will be lost) - please post back your results. Dave :)
Hi just tried that still no joy just doesn't recognise it at all. Thanks anyway .
If your device isn't recognized, verify that it's configured correctly. See the user manual for your device for more information.
Certain devices may be recognized only when used with a powered USB hub.
Here are the supported SD cards and image-transfer protocols:
Picture Transfer Protocol (PTP)
Mass Storage Device protocol
If your camera supports both PTP and Mass Storage Device modes, you may need to use both modes to import all media content. If some files don't import as expected using one mode, try switching to the other mode and importing again.
Some cameras may refer to PTP as Pictbridge or PTP/Pictbridge.
If you see a message that the "Attached volume appears to be invalid," make sure the SD card or digital media in the camera is correctly formatted.

(Apple Support)
Hi just tried that still no joy just doesn't recognise it at all. Thanks anyway .

Hi again - just to follow-up on Johanna's post (had to disappear to eat dinner) - when you tried the CCK on your friend's iPad, did you use your camera's SD card or another one (or did you cabled the camera)? I'm assuming that your SD card was formatted on your camera which should create a special folder called DCIM where the images are stored in a specific numbered protocol; so let us know if your camera's SD card could be 'read' by your friend's iPad w/ your CCK - if not, you might want to format another SD card in your camera and then try it w/ the connection adapter on your iPad? Now sure this is your issue but running out of ideas - sorry. Dave :)
Hi yes tried my SD card in friends IPAD didn't use USB Cable tho, and it worked fine. Really do appreciate all your help with this.
Hi yes tried my SD card in friends IPAD didn't use USB Cable tho, and it worked fine. Really do appreciate all your help with this.

Sorry about the CCK not working - I would still try to format another SD card in your camera to see if that might make a difference - probably not? And just one last thought, the docking w/ your adapter requirers that a number of the 30 pins need to be functioning on your iPad 2 (see diagram below); since your CCK worked on your friend's iPad, could one or more pins not be functioning on your iPad? Have you even had any damage to the docking connection on your device and/or any problem w/ charging? I guess that the only way the pins could be tested would be at the Genius Bar of an Apple store (or an authorized Apple dealer) - might be worth having them take a look if a store is near? Good luck! Dave :)

I have just inserted my official CCK into my iPad Air on the latest iOS and have received the following message ~ "This accessory is not certified etc." and promptly fails to load the SD Card.

Now it used to work absolutely fine with no issues but this is the first time I have used it since iOS7.

Any takers on what's going on here?

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