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Please help!


iPF Noob
Feb 6, 2012
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Hi,I'm trying to pay bills thru my banks website and when I hit pay bills it says opening in new window but I can't find the new window, any ideas?
The web site is probably using adobe flash which doesn't work on the iPad. A number of banks have apps in the app store. If you can find an app for your bank, that may solve your problem though I haven't used one, so i'm not sure what kind of service they provide through their apps.
There's a great bill-tracking app called Pageonce Money & Bills (pageonce dot com / app). It can organize and track financial accounts and bills (and it's free!). I know that it works for the iPhone, so I would think it would also be available for the iPad. Just another Apple Tool to try.

Also, FYI, ZooGue dot com is giving away iPad 1 portrait mounts right now (+ S&H, of course - look for them under the "Accessories" category). I already got mine, so I thought I'd spread the word. :)

Hope that helps!

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