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play movie format


iPF Noob
Apr 16, 2013
Reaction score
I downloaded a home video through iFiles.
The format is quicktime (.mov)

but when playing the movie, only the sound is available. The video does not show.

Is it the quicktime format that causes the problem? which format and setting ind the format should I use?
I downloaded a home video through iFiles.
The format is quicktime (.mov)

but when playing the movie, only the sound is available. The video does not show.

Is it the quicktime format that causes the problem? which format and setting ind the format should I use?

Hi! Welcome to iPF!

The iPad supports .mov file formats afaik.

I hope this link is able to answer your question: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT2729?viewlocale=en_US#11

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