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Plants vs zombies


iPF Noob
Jul 16, 2010
Reaction score
I'm nearly 50 and have never tried computer games before. I've been really enjoying Plants vs zombies, have finished the Adventure levels, many of the mini games and am up to the endless Survival game.
But, I can't figure out how to get the plants to move in Beghoulded. And, can someone explain the corncob cannons to me. They are in another computer game. When I click on them they shoot straight up so I know I must be doing something wrong.
Thanks everyone.
Sorry no one has helped you yet.... I am a 57 year old gamer, but I have not played this game, so I can't help you... how ever if you go to "Touch Arcade" the major iDevice gaming site someone can help you. The link below will take you to a thread on that game.... perhaps your answer will be in there.... or you can ask on the forum yourself..... good luck!

Plants Vs. Zombies HD - Touch Arcade

Thanks for the advice. I only have those two mini games left, and are working through the Survival mode.
I love this game. It really makes you think. As fast as you think you are working out lethal combinations it challenges you more.
Hey there, well I am a fan of this game myself but since this section not so active I don't visit it much, any way here you answers..

In Bighoulded have to swipe the plants with other ones In the near block so they match ( 3 plants of same type ).

In order to shoot the corncob cannons you have to click on the cob then swipe with your fingers to the target you want to shoot.

Btw I love this game very much, finished all mini game and story mode twice got all the Achievements exept for the last one "alive and still planting". Although I reached 21 flags in survival.

So if there is anything you want to ask about, or any help in game. Don't hesitate in sending a Private Message.:)
But, I can't figure out how to get the plants to move in Beghoulded. And, can someone explain the corncob cannons to me. They are in another computer game. When I click on them they shoot straight up so I know I must be doing something wrong.

I love PvZ too! I'm not a big gamer but PvZ is a heckuva lot of fun.

On levels/minigames that I've gotten stuck on, I found there to be some good videos on Youtube (believe it or not) showing someone successfully beating various levels. I recommend looking there.

Did you like the PvZ video "Zombies on the Lawn"? It still cracks me up :D
I'm nearly 50 and have never tried computer games before. I've been really enjoying Plants vs zombies, have finished the Adventure levels, many of the mini games and am up to the endless Survival game.
But, I can't figure out how to get the plants to move in Beghoulded. And, can someone explain the corncob cannons to me. They are in another computer game. When I click on them they shoot straight up so I know I must be doing something wrong.
Thanks everyone.

In this mini-game you have to line up three identical plants in a row. The only plants that can move are the ones that can move to a spot that would complete the three in a row.
And, can someone explain the corncob cannons to me. They are in another computer game. When I click on them they shoot straight up so I know I must be doing something wrong.
Thanks everyone.

For the cob cannons, it just takes a little getting used to. When things get crazy, you tap on the cannon to activate it, but you sometimes miss the cannon and tap it again. Only to realize that you didn't miss it after all, and now you have set the cob cannon as the target. This causes the corn to go straight up in the air and explode on itself.

The trick is to watch for the red X. If you see it, then you have acetivated the cannon. If you tap on the target area and no red X appears, then you probably did miss it the first time.
Absolutely. I think it is the best game on the iPad. I only wish it had more levels and more configurations.

finally certified after 185 flag (iPad version) !!!

You are not saying you survived 185 waves in endless survival are you?

I've been at it for weeks. My best is 26 waves without cob cannons.

Just finished first game with build that included two cob cannons on lily pads with nothing else except gatling pea shooters shot through fire and made it to 25 waves. Have to rethink rest of board as Gatling pea shooters and fire isn't enough. Think I must mix in two more cob cannons by wave twenty then go with cob cannons and two slots of doom shrooms the rest of the way out.

One good thing to always do though is plant two cattails to handle balloon zombies as cactus guns are useless for long term builds and blovers are a complete waste of precious sun points.

I despise the bungee zombies the most. Thieving turds have been known to attack in groups of six or more at one time. If the build is good though they can only get your sunflowers in the back row which are easily replenished.

Damn....I know entirely too much about zombies and plants. Time for a walk.
Midranger4 said:
You are not saying you survived 185 waves in endless survival are you

I've been at it for weeks. My best is 26 waves without cob cannons.

Just finished first game with build that included two cob cannons on lily pads with nothing else except gatling pea shooters shot through fire and made it to 25 waves. Have to rethink rest of board as Gatling pea shooters and fire isn't enough. Think I must mix in two more cob cannons by wave twenty then go with cob cannons and two slots of doom shrooms the rest of the way out.

One good thing to always do though is plant two cattails to handle balloon zombies as cactus guns are useless for long term builds and I usually replace my cattails with can blovers are a complete waste of precious sun points.

I despise the bungee zombies the most. Thieving turds have been known to attack in groups of six or more at one time. If the build is good though they can only get your sunflowers in the back row which are easily replenished.

Damn....I know entirely too much about zombies and plants. Time for a walk.

I reached level 40 once. The bungie zombies always end up doing me in too...anyone have suggestions on getting past level 40?
I usually replace my cattails early with cob cannons, and keep the windmill on hand. I load up a min. Of 4 double flowers, four canons in the water, in the back two rows, in front of them the purple puffer shrooms. On the outer rows I load with the catapults, of course covered with pumpkins. Lastly, I keep the first three rows on the right, top and bottom, lined with the spikes, big and small. Wondering if I should somehow replace the spikes with something else? I've tried the doom shroom, it just takes so long to recover. And of course I keep on hand the cherry bombs.
I loved this game on iPhone but I've still not picked it up on iPad. Should I ?

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