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iPF Noob
Jan 29, 2022
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My problem is so confusing I don’t know where to start. i forgot my Apple ID Password, In trying to recover it, i ran across obstacles I cannot overcome. its like a catch 22 thing. I know this is my own doing, but I need help. When I go through the steps, it wants to send my phone a text, but the phone number I provided is my home phone incapable of texts. Then when I try to change the number, to my since bought iPhone capable of receiving texts, it wants me to enter my unknown password to do it. Then it goes on about sending a message to my iCloud email address, they even list the address. But I don’t know anything about this address, I don’t have it showing up on my email, or gmail accounts. If you need more info please let me know. I did submit something to apple and they said they would get back with me. But I had done this before and never received anything.
I have found it impossible to recover my iCloud password. My phone continuously wants me to enter this password. I don’t have any recollection of ever having an icloud address, or password. When I try to go through the steps to recover, I hit a brick wall, at present I can only think of the one item that does not allow me to succeed. When I come to the step to enter my phone number so they can text me information for help or verification, the phone number that they have for me on file is my home phone, which cannot of course receive texts
You wrote along similar lines back in August. Your Apple ID should show as the first item in settings. As for receiving texts via your landline, which you should change to your mobile later, messages can be read out loud under certain circumstances.
, you ostracizing me for having asked for help before, and telling me what I should be able to do without an explanation as to how. And telling me I should change my number, I am unable to change because they want to send me a text. or send me info through the iCloud address I have no way to access
I‘ve merged both threads, so that the information is in one place only.

So Apple still hasn‘t contacted you?
Is there an Apple Store near you? They might be able to help, if you can prove your ownership (billing).
, you ostracizing me for having asked for help before, and telling me what I should be able to do without an explanation as to how. And telling me I should change my number, I am unable to change because they want to send me a text. or send me info through the iCloud address I have no way to access
I explained that you may be able to receive a text via a landline. I have had texts read over my landline. It would be advisable to change your rescue number in the future though. Nobody ostracised you. I also told you where to find your Apple ID.
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