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Outlook pst import


iPF Noob
Jun 10, 2010
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Hi, is there a way to run my pst file like you would on a windows os?
I would like to be able to then run my pst on my iPad as pop and smtp to download from my gmail account. This is the final hurdle before I get rid of my laptop.
pst Mail

Like me I notice eveyone wants their pst files on their ipad.

I found a app that said it could do it and I have been waiting for 'pst Mail' app since and now its available:D.

Basically it lets you upload your pst files to your ipad and access them from your ipad.
Hi cdmsjtr, could you please tell me where did you get the 'pst mail' application from?
to the thead starter i also use out look and my email is optionline.net it has pop comeing in and out.
i called the cable company the other night and the tech told me that when i get my ipad i could check my email with the ipad,
is the guy right i dont know so if you find any thing out let us know

here is a link for you make sure you use pop3 for incomeing and out going

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