I bought a Ipad 3g, about 4 months back, everuything worked pefectly fine until one day i stated getting 'No Sim" msg , initially this problem would be solved by a power off, until even that didnt work, tried doing a reset and restore but to no use, I took it to the Apple service centre only to be told that theres a hardware problem with my Ipad and as it was under warranty would be replaced, My replacement arrived yesteday, after getting it home, i realised that it wasnt connecting to wifi, then i realised that the wifi tab in the settings menu was greyed out..!!!! So Again i tried doing a rest, restore etc.. still had the same problem took it to the service centre , AGAIN to be told that theres some hardware problem..!!!??!! and aGAIN i would have to order for a replacement!!!!!!
Is anyone else having this same issues or iam the only unlucky one..!!
what happened to Apples famous quality contol???? Iam deeply diaapointed as i had started to love my Ipad only to be faced with so many hardware issues..!! extremely frustrating..!!!!