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'No SIM'


iPF Noob
I Have an iPad 3G + wifi 16 gb, I have upgraded to iOS5, since a couple of days I am getting 'No SIM' MSG on the status bar,even though my SIM card is inserted. Once I power off and switch my iPad on , my 3G starts automatically, and it works fine,however after a while it goes back to 'No SIM' any suggestions as to how to counter this problem? Should I go bac to iOS 4?
Try a reset and hope this clears it for good.
Reset: Hold the power off button and the home button simultaneously, keep holding them in and you will see the power off slide appear and disappear, wait until you see the Apple logo appear before releasing the buttons. It will take a little longer for your iPad to start. This is a reset.

Let us know if this doesn't work

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Ipad hardware issues..!!!

I bought a Ipad 3g, about 4 months back, everuything worked pefectly fine until one day i stated getting 'No Sim" msg , initially this problem would be solved by a power off, until even that didnt work, tried doing a reset and restore but to no use, I took it to the Apple service centre only to be told that theres a hardware problem with my Ipad and as it was under warranty would be replaced, My replacement arrived yesteday, after getting it home, i realised that it wasnt connecting to wifi, then i realised that the wifi tab in the settings menu was greyed out..!!!! So Again i tried doing a rest, restore etc.. still had the same problem took it to the service centre , AGAIN to be told that theres some hardware problem..!!!??!! and aGAIN i would have to order for a replacement!!!!!!
Is anyone else having this same issues or iam the only unlucky one..!!
what happened to Apples famous quality contol???? Iam deeply diaapointed as i had started to love my Ipad only to be faced with so many hardware issues..!! extremely frustrating..!!!!
I bought a Ipad 3g, about 4 months back, everuything worked pefectly fine until one day i stated getting 'No Sim" msg , initially this problem would be solved by a power off, until even that didnt work, tried doing a reset and restore but to no use, I took it to the Apple service centre only to be told that theres a hardware problem with my Ipad and as it was under warranty would be replaced, My replacement arrived yesteday, after getting it home, i realised that it wasnt connecting to wifi, then i realised that the wifi tab in the settings menu was greyed out..!!!! So Again i tried doing a rest, restore etc.. still had the same problem took it to the service centre , AGAIN to be told that theres some hardware problem..!!!??!! and aGAIN i would have to order for a replacement!!!!!!
Is anyone else having this same issues or iam the only unlucky one..!!
what happened to Apples famous quality contol???? Iam deeply diaapointed as i had started to love my Ipad only to be faced with so many hardware issues..!! extremely frustrating..!!!!
Your best bet then is to contact Apple Support:

Apple - Support - iPad - Contact Support

Apple - Support - Contact Support

Contacting Apple for support and service

Also, please avoid creating duplicate threads. TIA.
My wife has exactly the same issue with he iPad 2 wifi+3G.
Resets do not resolve the issue.
From looking around using Google the sim card seems to often be the culprit so she took the iPad and card into the telco today and they happily without question replaced the sim (so happily and without question that you have to wonder if this is a regular occurrence). The iPad seems to be working better at this stage so to the OP I would say trying swapping the sim with your telco.
I went to the AT&t store here to get service for the 3G on my iPad2. They went through 3 cards/sims before they found one that worked. Even the one that came with the iPad was dead out of the box.
Have you tried this...?

Having spent literally hours restoring iPad, rebooting, switching on and off Flight mode, removing, blowing on and then replacing my SIM and still not being able to force it to work, I finally rang Orange.

Durrr.. how stupid did I feel when he asked if I'd tried putting the dodgy SIM in another device, or trying a working one in the iPad? I know not everyone has iPhone as well, but if you do it saves all that time just to isolate the problem - if you've got a contract your service providor should courier a new SIM next day, providing you know that's what the problem is.

Good luck everyone and let's hope they sort this issue out soon.
I have the smae problem too. I tryed to airplane mode ON an then put the sim on your iPad,then turn OFF air mode...
But what i have seen something else is that meybe the smart cover with magnet will be the problem too for the sim.. !!!

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