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News for The new iPad vs. iPad 2


iPF Noob
Sep 18, 2011
Reaction score
I am not being excited by the name of "The new ipad". The main upgrade is camera, display, 4G and Bluetooth 4.0. It maybe good enough for now. Iphone 4S amd the new iPad almost upgrade the same thing.

I expect the ZAGG HzO in the new iPad. HzO WaterBlock Technology: A definite game changer | ZAGGblog But it is not there. Here are some news with videos or articles, I like the last one which is more clear and highlight.

iPad vs. iPad 2 vs. the new iPad | iPad Atlas - CNET Reviews

The new iPad vs. iPad 2: what's new? | Time to Change, Special4u.

New iPad vs. iPad 2: how the specs compare

Welcome to post more review if you found something good.
Thanks for the info.

The HzO stuff is really amazing, as mentioned , a real game changer
I had not heard about HzO technology before! WOW.

If the new iPad (what an absurd name... what will model 4 be? The "newer" ipad?) had something like that, it might push me to purchase. As it is, I'll stick with the 2.
It is being looked at by all manufacturers. It will be at least another year before I expect any of them to make it into production. It has to go through a lot of vetting for both functional and safety reasons.
I hope we could see HzO tech with the new iphone. lol. Maybe iPhone 5.

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