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iPF Noob
Oct 13, 2013
Reaction score
Greetings. Looking forward to learning/sharing interesting tidbits about Pad mini.
Greetings. Looking forward to learning/sharing interesting tidbits about Pad mini.

Good to hear from you Jaxon, welcome to the forum. I reckon you'll enjoy that Mini even more now that you're a member.
You’ll find a whole bunch of iPad enthusiasts in this Forum who are only too willing to help other iPad owners and to hear of their experiences. Don’t be afraid to post any questions you may have or use the ‘Search’ button near the top of the Forum web page.

If you don’t already have it you can download a copy of the iPad manual for free.

Please read the rules too!! Actually, they make interesting reading:)

See the rules here >>> http://www.ipadforums.net/forum-rules-help-info/2119-forum-rules-everybody-please-read.html

Have fun and enjoy your iPad:)

Sent from Oz using Tapatalk

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