iPF Noob
Hi everyone
I'm Cedricn36608 I've had an I pad since christmas. My grand kids gave it to me as a present. They wanted me to b " y 2k ready"lol. I've must say its been very interesting learning to operate it. I must say I knew very little about computers but with my grand kids help I haven't been able to put my IPad down it can b very habit forming. I feel I can learn much more from this forum so I'm looking forward to this forum.
I'm Cedricn36608 I've had an I pad since christmas. My grand kids gave it to me as a present. They wanted me to b " y 2k ready"lol. I've must say its been very interesting learning to operate it. I must say I knew very little about computers but with my grand kids help I haven't been able to put my IPad down it can b very habit forming. I feel I can learn much more from this forum so I'm looking forward to this forum.