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New iPad (3) keeps dropping wifi connection


iPF Noob
Mar 18, 2012
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My wonderful shiny new friend is driving me mad already. It keeps losing the wifi connection, even though the symbol is showing 3 bar strength at the top left of the screen. Googled it and am disappointed to see that this has apparently been a continuing problem since iPad 1. There doesn't seem to be any logic or pattern to when it drops, and this never happens with my laptop or my phone. I tried one solution which seems to have worked for some people, namely "Reset all settings", but this doesn't work for me. About to research how I contact Apple for advice.
Mine (new VZW 32GB) will drop the wifi and then repeatedly tell me it can't connect to wifi. Even though I have two laptops, two phones and a PS3 all running fine. Then it will start working again as if there's no problem.....My first Apple product...a little frustrating. I thought everything was supposed to be easier with Apple, lol.
Mine loses wifi connection too.... You have to go switch airplane mode on and then off again to bring it back.
Definitely not a router issue either, as it happens at home and at work (two different routers).
Hi and welcome to the Forum!

Have a look on your routers website and see if there are any updates available.

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Sorted the problem of repeated dropping of wifi. - rebooted my router and it hasn't happened again since!
I my new Ipad I had to reset the network settings in the IPAD itself. Then reconnect, this may help also.General>swip down to the bottom>Reset>Reset Network Settings. You won't loose any data or Cell Registration (if you have it).
Worked for me.

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