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Netflix problem


iPF Noob
Nov 18, 2010
Reaction score
I just got my iPad yesterday and downloaded the netlix app, but the movies look horrible! The are very pixelated. I've been reading other reviews that are very positive about netflix for iPad, so I'm wondering if I've somehow set it up wrong? Help!
This will depend on your actual internet connection (Wifi or 3G) as the video will scale in quality with your connection.

Don't expect to watch videos on 3G or with wifi that isnt at least G (N preferred). It will also depend on where you are when connected to wifi. Coffee shops or any busy place with a lot of people connected will not be great places to watch.

At home, I have Dual-Band N for wifi, making streaming a breeze. The videos are sharp and clear and there are no pauses. However at the coffee shop in the building where I work, they have G, but there are always at least 10 people in there on laptops, so the video isn't as good.
I might take words back... Im streaming on my ipad while writing this from my iphone and i can see that the video is pixelated here too... Im on 3g but i can tell there's something wrong... I think it might be netflix's servers... They been having problems lately... But to make sure i have to try it home via wifi... But im definetly sure there's something wrong....
Yes unless you are in one of the few places that can get the highest 3G speeds possible you are not going to get the best quality. That is the nature of the beast.

That said I would like the Netflix app to give us a choice: start playing right away at reduced quality, or let it download for a while to give better quality. In other words if I am only getting 750 kbps they might stream at 500kbps because 1mbps wouldn't work. But if I had to wait, say 20 minutes, for a 45 minute TV episode to start, it could play it at the 1mbps rate and be much higher quality. This would be good if I had some other things to do first.

Would be even better if they could do that using the multitasking features of OS 4.2: pop up a notification when it is ready to start.

Oh and then we have the OTHER side of the coin: Apple! If I want a movie or show from them I have to wait for the whole dang thing to download before I can watch one second of it. Ugh.

Actually thats the nature of AT&Ts crappy service...I can watch netflix at really nice quality off my tethered droid ;)
I have no problem with netflix on my G router also I use it while tethered to 3GS with low signal and still have no issues so that is not true at all
Netflix is sort of hit and miss for me, even with a good N router. I can go for days where everything works well and videos are crystal clear and then I can go for days when I get the low quality video as well. I also have periodic problems with shows stopping in the middle and dropping me back to the Netflix home screen. The funny thing is, if I restart the video more times than not it will stop again at the very same place. I assume the problems are with my ISP or Netflix because I have the same issues despite my WiFi signal strength (I can be sitting a few feet from the router and get low quality video at times).

I think Tinman hit the nail right on the head though. If there was just a little more buffering available a lot of the problems would go away.
I agree on the more buffering that would be nice, and a choice to choose if we want it to play in low or high quality. Lol Mike I know what you mean with a movie from Apple, that part sucks, I'd like to start watching right after.
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Actually thats the nature of AT&Ts crappy service...I can watch netflix at really nice quality off my tethered droid ;)

Netflix basically analyses your internet connection to determine stream speed:
Basic: 500kbps
Good: 1mbps
High: 1.6mbps and higher

So if you can maintain 1.6mbps speed for an hour or more that is pretty good. I have not been to too many places on AT&T where I can get 1.6+ for an hour or more at a time. Quite often it is between 500kbps and 1mbps--at least in areas I want to use it most. I always seem to have better 3G connection speed when I don't need it--as in WiFi areas, including at my home.

Actually thats the nature of AT&Ts crappy service...I can watch netflix at really nice quality off my tethered droid ;)

Netflix basically analyses your internet connection to determine stream speed:
Basic: 500kbps
Good: 1mbps
High: 1.6mbps and higher

So if you can maintain 1.6mbps speed for an hour or more that is pretty good. I have not been to too many places on AT&T where I can get 1.6+ for an hour or more at a time. Quite often it is between 500kbps and 1mbps--at least in areas I want to use it most. I always seem to have better 3G connection speed when I don't need it--as in WiFi areas, including at my home.


My connection on verizon averages between 1.5mbps and 3mbps, it is very rarely below 1.
Netflix basically analyses your internet connection to determine stream speed:
Basic: 500kbps
Good: 1mbps
High: 1.6mbps and higher

So if you can maintain 1.6mbps speed for an hour or more that is pretty good. I have not been to too many places on AT&T where I can get 1.6+ for an hour or more at a time. Quite often it is between 500kbps and 1mbps--at least in areas I want to use it most. I always seem to have better 3G connection speed when I don't need it--as in WiFi areas, including at my home.


My connection on verizon averages between 1.5mbps and 3mbps, it is very rarely below 1.

While that is good, if you are at 1.5mps then netflix will not serve up the highest quality it has to offer. But the 1mbps stream is still pretty good. It's 500kpbs where you really start to degrade.

I suspect at times netflix's quick speed test makes mistakes. I know with my AT&T experience I can have a generally fast 3G connection but it will stutter every now and then. This would probably not affect watching a movie as the buffer should take care of that. But if it happened while the speed test was done I could see getting served the lower quality stream.

Yea there is a lot of hype about WiFi-N speeds, mostly by the wireless router makers. As Tinman said Netflix uses a max of around 3.5Mbps for HD quality video. Since wireless G is 54Mbps it is more than sufficient for HD quality Netflix program.

The common issue is not your wireless speed, but your Internet Service Provider (ISP). Speeds can vary from 600Kbps (.60Mbps !) to 50Mbps or higher depending on your ISP or location and time of day. And when an ISP advertises, say, 20Mbps that is typically their max speed during the quietest time of day under optimal conditions. In my area Xfinity (Comcast) advertises 20Mbps, but averages 12-18Mbps during peak hours. Still more than sufficient for HD movies on Netflix. However there are times it gets very spiky going between 4Mbps and 15Mbps very quickly for short periods.

So be aware of these things when watching Netflix. They are VERY good about sending out emails when they have had a problem with their service, in my experience.
I think in general the quality is pretty good although it varies a little. I am however streaming trough VPN because I am located in Europe but 95% of the time the quality is acceptable.

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