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My 3g is coming April 30


iPF Noob
Apr 21, 2010
Reaction score
Hi All,
Just got off the phone with Apple after comfirming my cc# for purchase of 3g Ipad. The young lady told me she was just told that 3g ipads will be shipping next week and I should have in on friday April 30

Cant wait!!

Hi All,
Just got off the phone with Apple after comfirming my cc# for purchase of 3g Ipad. The young lady told me she was just told that 3g ipads will be shipping next week and I should have in on friday April 30

Cant wait!!


Welcome to the forum pharmnatr...and welcome to the obsession. We should all be very happy 9 days from now!
welcome here from Asia, and as ''eldex'' say welcome in the obsession , i already have a wifi but i want a 3G for carry my baby around.

If you have any question just ask us we will all enjoy to help you

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