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MP3 into iMovie


iPF Noob
Jul 19, 2016
Reaction score
I put an mp3 into my email.
How do I drop it into iMovie?
I put an mp3 into my email.
How do I drop it into iMovie?.........

Hello - first, please tell us which iPad model you own and what iOS is installed? Second, since MP3 is an audio format, I'm assuming that you have a video in iMovie and want to add the audio clip as 'background music' - correct?

If so, then take a look at this iMovie Tutorial - the quote below is from the article - appears that you need to get the MP3 file into the Music app on your iPad, then add to your movie, as described. Let us know if this link helps or if I am mis-interpreting your needs. Dave :)

Adding backing music
With your movie now taking shape, you might want to replace the standard audio with some music. To do this tap the + button and then select the Audio option. Here you can choose from the Theme music that comes with iMovie, a range of Sound Effects, or any music you have in your Apple Music app.

Find the one you want, select it, then tap Use.

iMovie will drop the clip on to your timeline. Double-tap it to enter the editing mode, then resize and position it as you see fit.
Hello - first, please tell us which iPad model you own and what iOS is installed? Second, since MP3 is an audio format, I'm assuming that you have a video in iMovie and want to add the audio clip as 'background music' - correct?

If so, then take a look at this iMovie Tutorial - the quote below is from the article - appears that you need to get the MP3 file into the Music app on your iPad, then add to your movie, as described. Let us know if this link helps or if I am mis-interpreting your needs. Dave :)

Dave, not quite
I record my piano in iMovie and at the same time record the “sound” as an mp3 and merge the iMovie with the sound. That way I get a much better recorded sound. I actually record it on a zoom recorder.(might there also a way of recording it directly into the ipad(iPad Air 12.1.4. The latest )
Dave, not quite
I record my piano in iMovie and at the same time record the “sound” as an mp3 and merge the iMovie with the sound. That way I get a much better recorded sound. I actually record it on a zoom recorder.(might there also a way of recording it directly into the ipad(iPad Air 12.1.4. The latest )

Hi again Majnoon - the link given previously may help - just gave the steps a try on my iPad Pro - had an old movie made in iMovie of my porch - brought in the movie and selected the 'Plus sign' in the right upper corner (first pic below), and then chose 'Audio' at the right bottom; next an 'audio menu' appeared and I picked 'Songs' (2nd pic); final pic, the song list appeared (from my Music app), pick one and brought it into the movie - SO, if you can get your recorded MP3 into the iPad's Music app, delete the sound recorded when the movie was made in iMovie, and finally add the MP3 as shown in the images - seems like the method should work.

As to recording directly onto the iPad, the only way that I can think of immediately is to simply let the native speakers do the recording, as iMovie does - this would take some adjustments for 'loudness' and the quality would likely not be what you want (of course, may vary w/ the model iPad used); the only other inputs on an iPad Air are wired (earphone jack & lightning port) or wireless (Wi-Fi or BT) - I'm not aware of using these options for recording input (would have to research the web) - maybe others will 'chime in' w/ suggestions. Also, have you used GarageBand at all? I have little familiarity w/ this excellent app and cannot comment on its many features but there may be some 'work arounds', don't know? Good luck. Dave :)

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Hi again Majnoon - the link given previously may help - just gave the steps a try on my iPad Pro - had an old movie made in iMovie of my porch - brought in the movie and selected the 'Plus sign' in the right upper corner (first pic below), and then chose 'Audio' at the right bottom; next an 'audio menu' appeared and I picked 'Songs' (2nd pic); final pic, the song list appeared (from my Music app), pick one and brought it into the movie - SO, if you can get your recorded MP3 into the iPad's Music app, delete the sound recorded when the movie was made in iMovie, and finally add the MP3 as shown in the images - seems like the method should work.

As to recording directly onto the iPad, the only way that I can think of immediately is to simply let the native speakers do the recording - this would take some adjustments for 'loudness' and the quality would likely not be what you want (of course, may vary w/ the model iPad used); the only other inputs on an iPad Air are wired (earphone jack & lightning port) or wireless (Wi-Fi or BT) - I'm not aware of using these options for recording input (would have to research the web) - maybe others will 'chime in' w/ suggestions. Also, have you used GarageBand at all? I have little familiarity w/ this excellent app and cannot comment on its many features but there may be some 'work arounds', don't know? Good luck. Dave :)

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Thanks Dave,

I did a work around and it works
Send the mp3 to email
put in "notes"
It then goes into iMovie from there
Thank you
Thanks Dave,

I did a work around and it works
Send the mp3 to email
put in "notes"
It then goes into iMovie from there
Thank you

CONGRATS! Also saw that iCloud Drive was listed along w/ other 'imports' - there are some 'wireless' devices that use there own Wi-Fi network and a proprietary app on the iPad that permit wireless transfer of a number of types of files (I own two and have posted about them in the past). Dave :)

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