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Mount AFP over SSH


iPF Noob
Mar 13, 2012
Reaction score
Hi all,

I am new to the forum - thanks for reading.

I need to copy some files from iPhone to an SD card or USB drive.

I got a 3rd party camera connection kit which enables me to mount SD/ USB drive in both iFile and in SSH environment in my iPad. And I also hooked up with Netatalk with my iPhone, tested the connection via an MacBook to have full access of my files in iPhone.

However, I cannot mount my iPhone via AFP in iFile, nor I can mount AFP when I ssh into my iPad.

Since camera connection kit cannot work with an iPhone 4 due to restriction of power with iPhone's dock connector (I reckon that's an dead end trying to make camera connection kit works with iPhone 4), so copying files from my iPhone to SD/ USB drive has got to be using iPad + Camera Connection Kit.

There seem to be no mount_afp in the binary for iOS 5.0.1.

Anyone has a solution of how I can do it?

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