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Logged out of site and password not accepted


iPF Noob
I was logged in and when I came to check on posts it had logged me out of the app. So when I went to try log in the password wasn't accepted.

I've since gone onto main forum and requested new password hence writing this. Has anyone else had this issue?

(Big Business Game App - player name: Beaneys city name: kêl)
Also how do I reset password to something I will remember instead of the temp password sent?

(Big Business Game App - player name: Beaneys city name: kêl)
Also how do I reset password to something I will remember instead of the temp password sent?

(Big Business Game App - player name: Beaneys city name: kêl)

Go to the settings page in your profile and select edit email and password. You'll end up on this page.


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