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Learn how to jailbreak my Ipad 2


iPF Noob
Sep 29, 2011
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Hi All,

I am newbie in here, and I would like to jailbreak my Ipad 2. This is the first time I would like to learn how to jailbreak my Ipad 2 since I bought it last years.

Ipad 2. ISO ver. = 4.3.5 from At&t (MC773LL), 16 GB, Modern Firmware 04.10.01

Thank you advances for All you help.
Go to the hacking forum. There you can learn how to jailbreak the iPad.
You will have to wait until a jailbreak for iOS 6 is released, then update to iOS 6 and jailbreak then.

Yesterday, I Jail-broke my Ipad 2 running iOS 6 using redsn0w jailbreak tool. But I unable to download Temple Run Bravo App. When I try to download it from iTunes, A pop-up appears and asked for purchase.
I don't know why it is??
jackjordan147 said:

Yesterday, I Jail-broke my Ipad 2 running iOS 6 using redsn0w jailbreak tool. But I unable to download Temple Run Bravo App. When I try to download it from iTunes, A pop-up appears and asked for purchase.
I don't know why it is??

I'm interested in how you managed to jailbreak an iPad 2 on iOS 6, since a jailbreak for iOS 6 doesn't exist at the present time. There is a tethered jailbreak available from redsn0w, but it doesn't work with the iPad 2 and various other platforms.
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You will have to wait until a jailbreak for iOS 6 is released, then update to iOS 6 and jailbreak then.

Thank you, I have to wait for iOS6 to released right? Should I update my Ipad 2 from 4.3.5 to iOS6? Thanks.
The best bet is for you to go ahead and upgrade. You might as well take advantage of the the iOS version - there's a lot of changes in iOS 5 (and 6). I very much doubt any jail break for iOS 4.3.5 will ever come out (as its two software versions behind).

So, you might as well enjoy iOS 6 stock while you wait for a jail break for it.

hniHnitsuJ said:
Thank you, I have to wait for iOS6 to released right? Should I update my Ipad 2 from 4.3.5 to iOS6? Thanks.

That's entirely your choice. Some people are holding back on the update to iOS 6 because they're jailbroken on iOS 5.1.1 and don't want to lose their jailbreak. That doesn't apply to you. Personally, I updated the day the update became available and haven't regretted it.
That's entirely your choice. Some people are holding back on the update to iOS 6 because they're jailbroken on iOS 5.1.1 and don't want to lose their jailbreak. That doesn't apply to you. Personally, I updated the day the update became available and haven't regretted it.

Thanks both Marilyn, and Scifan57 for your help. I have update my Ipad2 to iOS6, and hopefully Jailbreak for iOS6 is coming soon.

Many thanks for all your help.

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