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ITunes on PC doesn't recognize by iPad 2 pairing


iPF Noob
Sep 2, 2011
Reaction score
Chofu, Tokyo.
Just downloaded iOS5 after uploading recent app. purchases to my PC and then syncing the iPad to the PC. I also backed up the iPad before attempting to install the new OS. As the room where I was doing this is some way from the WiFi box, the WiFi connection is a bit iffy, and sure enough I got a message saying if you can't connect via WiFi, plug into your PC and use iTunes, but iTunes refuses to recognize my iPad, giving the message about not being paired.

I took the iPad to the same room as the WiFi box and was able to set up the iPad as a new one, and fortunately all my photos are already there, but I hate to think I will have to download and tweak all my apps again. How can I get the PC to recognize that it should be paired with my iPad?


PS That should be "my" not "by" in the title. I do hope someone can help me. In the meantime I am downloading and reinstalling my apps but I would hate to have to repeat all the sorting and folder creation/naming for hundreds of photos!
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Disappointed to get no reply. Was my question unclear? Or is there simply no answer?


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