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is there a simple YES/NO app?


iPF Noob
Jun 9, 2010
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My son recently had a major stroke leaving him mute and quadriplegic. He has always been very computer oriented so I bought him an IPAD for entertainment, but I would also like an app that basically splits the screen in half with one half indicating YES and the other half indicating NO so he can press the response he chooses with the limited movement he has in one hand.

Anyone know of anything that would fit the bill?
Sorry to hear about your son. Just a thought, but what about one of the simple music apps like Bebop where a touch to the left or right produces quite different musical tones. This might give you what you need. Might also be fun for your son.

Sounds like it might work, but I am not finding an app called bebop on the itunes store
I am so sorry to hear about your son, it must be very tough.

I did some searching for you, and I found an app made specifically (well not for someone with a stroke, but the same problem) for what you are asking:

App Shopper: Answers:YesNo (Utilities)

Answers:YesNo was designed with one purpose in mind. Provide an easy to use, affordable way for a nonverbal young man with autism and motor planning issues to communicate with those around him. The application is straightforward. It has two, large, color-coordinated buttons...one for yes, and one for no. Press either, and you will hear a voice read your selection.

Although there are many options that provide nonverbal communication for those with autism and similar disorders, most are expensive, and cumbersome. YesNo provides the ability to answer simple questions using an iPhone or iPodTouch that easily fits in a pocket or purse.

Austin uses his YesNo application on his iPod touch, which is already with him for watching movies and listening to music. He can use the program at the doctor’s office, when working with the special needs teachers at his school, or just to have a conversation with one of his nurses.

Of course, there are many more potential uses for the program...use it at the dentist office to let the doctor know YES! YES! YES! It does hurt! Have a sore throat? Use YesNo. Are you 14 old named KC? If you are, see how long your friends will tolerate your just using this app to talk to them. Are you a doctor, speech therapist, or work with people who have difficulty speaking? I am sure you can think of a use for such a simple program. If you do, let us know and we will post your story on our website.

I'm pretty sure this is an iPhone app; however, you just hit the 2x zoom button and I'm pretty sure the less pretty graphics aren't going to matter for something this simple. And once you hit 2x one time it will always load at full screen.
Sorry to hear about your son as well.

Nice work Matth3w, very classy to help out our members. Nice touch!
Sorry to hear about your son as well.

Nice work Matth3w, very classy to help out our members. Nice touch!
Thanks folks, I will look into these. I appreciate your taking the time to help
The YES|No app is perfect. He is able to use it like a champ and we are now finally (after months) able to have a way for him to communicate that is consistent. It is amazing to me how wired he is to technology, even after the stroke. If I gave him a piece of paper and asked him to point to yes|no, sometimes he would, sometimes not, but with his IPAD that he loves he is 100% consistent and loves that it speaks for him since he can't speak for himself.

You could create it with NUMBERS for iPad.
One of the built in functions is a logic true false or yes no. Just use that and make it fill screen with display options.
The YES|No app is perfect. He is able to use it like a champ and we are now finally (after months) able to have a way for him to communicate that is consistent. It is amazing to me how wired he is to technology, even after the stroke. If I gave him a piece of paper and asked him to point to yes|no, sometimes he would, sometimes not, but with his IPAD that he loves he is 100% consistent and loves that it speaks for him since he can't speak for himself.

Glad that it works. It makes me feel better that I actually did something worthwhile with my day yesterday.

You could create it with NUMBERS for iPad.
One of the built in functions is a logic true false or yes no. Just use that and make it fill screen with display options.
We solved it yesterday.
We'll make you an app for free

I'm a nurse and my husband makes apps so I'm going to design an app that is made for your son and others. It will be free too. It's going to take us a few days and then Apple's two week review time but keep checking. My heart goes out to you.
We finished it on Wed and submitted it to Apple.

It is not strictly yes and no but it has huge yes and no buttons at the top and stock phrases.

You can also add custom phrases and it has a separate page which is a white board to draw on and email.

We submitted it as "Phrase Pad". It will be a free app.

I hope to add audio later on.

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