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iPod on iPad - video/movies not showing up!


iPF Noob
Apr 11, 2010
Reaction score
Buffalo, NY
Though it appears in my iTunes library under music videos and movies, a music video I just bought doesn't appear in my iPod on my iPad. If I use the iPad general search I can find it -- but there is no movies tab in my iPod on my iPad, and the video doesn't show up anywhere else. When I use general search and find it, it shows up as a "movie", but that is the only way I seem to be able to find movies on the iPad. Any ideas? I can play it fine when I find it.
On iPad music videos have their own tab in the videos app. All mine appear there. Movies and tv are also in the separate video app not the iPod app.
Also if you look under "songs' in your ipad ipod app you'll see an icon shaped like a tv screen next to the videos although other than that they look like regular songs

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