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iPhone - iPad2 sync


iPF Noob
Dec 19, 2011
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Hi, I have an iPad2 and iPhone 4, everytime I sync, i turns my board into a mess, erases ipad apps, adds iphone apps into ipad, change app folders. i'm tired of this, i gave a quick look on iTunes options but nothing helped.

Any tip?

Thanks friends!
If you sync ipad and iphone to the same itunes library, then any content on your ipad will be transferred to your iphone, and vise-versa.
I have an iPhone 4S and an iPad 2 and connect both to iTunes without issue. I use an iMac. I just make sure that apps I do not want on a particular device are NOT checked in iTunes when I sync. Have never had an issue with content being deleted from one or the other.

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