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iPads helps with Kindergarten literacy scores


iPF Noob
May 30, 2011
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San Jose, CA


The iPad has started to be build a reputation for itself in education. Some time ago a certain study surfaced that showed that a simple algebra iPad app could improve scores in the class room. Now, here’s some more evidence for you towards that direction.

Another study this time conducted in Auburn, Maine has recently surfaced. It proves that kindergarten literacy scores increased in classrooms that started using the iPad. Thus, Auburn has become the first public school in the US to provide iPads for of its young learners. The devices were assigned to 16 kindergarten classes for a period that lasted nine weeks. This means a total of 129 students were included in the study. In order to better comprehend results, 137 students learned without iPads for the 9 weeks that completed the study.

After the time elapsed and tests were applied on the learners, the study finally concluded that the iPad classes outperformed the ones without the device, in every literacy test used. The Auburn School Department was extra careful with the study and reported the following:

"The objective has to be learning, not just getting the technology out there. "We are paying attention to app selection and focused on continuous improvement -- we aren’t just handing equipment to teachers."

The teacher staff and children alike were very excited to take part in the project. Auburn kindergarten teacher at Fairview Elementary School, Michelle Green said that she felt very special being part of the Advantage 2014 iPad project. She considers she has been awarded a privilege, being able to watch children use this new technology learn, in a way that she never though possible. Kindergarten teacher Jess Prue, seems to hold the same opinion. She stated that this way they are not only offering children a new engaging way to learn but preparing them to live in the technological society. So, the teachers are happy, the children are learning, so we should be seeing more iPads in institutions like this soon enough.

Source: Apple Forums via tuaw.com
My Mom is a special ed teacher and they have an iPad for their classroom. It has made a world of difference with a lot of the kids. It is easy to tailor the learning style for each child with different apps, and kids with limited hand coordination and movement can easily tap and swipe where previously they could not manipulate a keyboard. The apps that "talk back" in a silly voice have prompted one child in her class to vocalize and immitate sound for the first time in 10 years. It really is an amazing educational tool. We held off getting an iPad to see what the iPad 3 has in store (my husband is an "early adopter" and knew when iPads went on sale in December it meant a new one was on the way) but we are excited to have one for our 4.5 yr old daughter. She has used my Mom's iPad and already knows how to use it.
Great comments, Traquy. Love to hear how iPad changed somebody's ability to learn when traditional learning styles are not successful. My mom is a retired Pediatrician and worked with children with developmental disabilities. The iPad in her environment would have been so idea...but that was 15 years ago before ipads were developed.

I have an iPad 2 and will not be getting the new one, but funny how I am just as excited as the next person for when the iPad 3 comes out.

Well enjoy the forum. Best wishes. :)
Ipad also a great device for some autistic children and adults!

Just saw this show a while back. Although the iPad doesn't help all autistic children, it works wonders for those it does help.
See Apps for Autism on CBS website, Sixty Minutes.
Well, it's kind of improvement which we can't tell it's good or bad for now.

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