I'm a retired software engineer and as a teenager I started working with computers back in the late '60's! Believe me I've seen a lot of improvement in four decades. On a whim and curious about Apple products, I bought an iPod Touch when they first came out in 2007. What an elegant piece of hardware and the GUI + touchscreen was the BEST! Apple's design is top notch and it was easy learning how to use it. Besides using the calendar, notepad, Safari -wow, Mail, stocks etc., I could download movies and TV shows, music, podcasts, apps.. well I was sold! For a guy who started with punch cards and 1 MB drives and teletype i/o - the iPod with its color touchscreen and 16 GB of storage - was magic!
I bought an iMac in Sept 2008 to replace an aging XP machine. It impressed me even more! I use it everyday and marvel at it!
When Steve Jobs introduced the iPad in January, I HAD to have one dudes and dudettes. It is a lot more then an oversized iPhone! Kindle, watch out. Bedtime viewing of movies or iBooks on that big screen will not strain my eyes. Well, I can't wait to try mine out.
I bought an iMac in Sept 2008 to replace an aging XP machine. It impressed me even more! I use it everyday and marvel at it!
When Steve Jobs introduced the iPad in January, I HAD to have one dudes and dudettes. It is a lot more then an oversized iPhone! Kindle, watch out. Bedtime viewing of movies or iBooks on that big screen will not strain my eyes. Well, I can't wait to try mine out.