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iPad slower after ios5?

Rich and Bob are cut from the same cloth. :rolleyes: You should be able to go into the various apps that have files and delete them no? My understanding is that if you delete an app the files go with it. No empirical proof of that though. One of the nice features of iOS 5 is that it actually shows you how much storage space the data from each app is using.

I'm in the middle of the Recovery right now and I'm going to set it up as a new iPad (I can always restore it from backup later). I want to see how it runs on a fresh install of iOS 5. I'll post back...sooner or later. ;)

And you should be able to do it un-jailbroken. It might be an interesting test to see what is kept and what is deleted when you delete an application. More to the point, over time, is enough stuff kept that can/could affect the performance of the device? Sixteen Gigs is huge, but it is also finite

In Winders, lots of stuff remains when you delete an application. I installed and deleted a graphics program that left several folders and a bunch of graphics. Many programs leave bits and pieces on the HDD. I have 400 plus gigs of space on my laptop, so it is not an issue. Then again, delete means delete. Or it should.
Youre correct pals.. Theres really something wrong. I did not upgrade my ipad, im still using the original version, 4.2.2 and its a lot different these days. IT IS VERY SLOW compared from the time when ipad2 had not been release.. I bought Apple ipad even it is expensive thinking that the difference in price when any other brand would fill in... but seems that i was wrong.. hope that they could do something about it...

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Per my earlier post I finished going through recovery mode on my original iPad, 64GB 3G...several times, testing this and that configuration. So I wiped the iPad and reloaded it with fresh iOS 5 and no apps other than stock, with some apps and with all of my previous apps. I also set it up without any photos, music, books, etc. just to see how it performs.

With a fresh install and nothing but stock apps it still does't run quite as fast as it did new, but darn close. Basically the more apps I added the slower it got. Another element that slowed it down is my music library. With about half of the music I had on it, it runs pretty well. However with all five of the Smart Playlists I have and about 7,000 songs it slows quite a bit and I can get the Music App to crash now and then.

I also wiped my iPad's iTunes and iCloud backups, so I had to set up everything again including Mail, Dropbox, 1Password and so on. A bit of a pain, but I wanted to be sure there was nothing left to slow things down.

Sooo, I ended up with a fresh install of iOS 5 and about two-dozen of the apps I use most (I really couldn't believe how many apps I had!). I have slightly smaller song count, about 5,000 now and also broke the Smart Playlists down from five to nine and the Music App seems to handle the smaller lists better. I went from about 55GB down to about 33GB of storage.

Overall my iPad is snappier and responds to typing, etc. normally now. One App that I really noticed getting slower and slower before all of this was the Settings App. It might be because I remember how fast it used to open and respond when I first bought my iPad. With the setup I have now it still isn't quite as fast to open as it was with 4.2, etc., but it is much, much better than it was.

I'll add apps as needed and I'll keep an eye on things with the Activity Monitor App and see how it goes. It's certainly good to have a faster iPad again!
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i too have noticed a lot of lag with IOS5. Seems laggy evenwhen scrolling from screen to screen. Thinking of doing a fresh wipe. All of a sudden I can not delete apps from my Ipad. When app is held down and starts to jiggle there is no X to delete with. Whats up?? Never seen this happen. Anybody know a fix for this???
i too have noticed a lot of lag with IOS5. Seems laggy evenwhen scrolling from screen to screen. Thinking of doing a fresh wipe. All of a sudden I can not delete apps from my Ipad. When app is held down and starts to jiggle there is no X to delete with. Whats up?? Never seen this happen. Anybody know a fix for this???
If you're trying to delete a native app (Safari, Photos, etc.) you'll never see the delete option (they can't be deleted). If it's an app that you've installed, that's a new one. If that's the case you could try deleting the app from iTunes (under "Apps" in the left-hand menu) and then sync your iPad...it should disappear. You can always download purchased apps (in iTunes or on your iPad) again.
it was a new one richsadams. Had the jiggle but no X or minus sign. could move app around but not delete. This was foe all my downloaded apps. I took your advice and did a fresh restore. this is how the pad would be with just stock apps. seems to correct the no delete problem after downloading a few apps from app store. I don't think i will restore just like you will add my favorite apps back some pictures and my music library. Did turn I cloud on for photo stream from my Iphone. Preformance seems better but still not as good when IPad1 came out of box. Mybe just a combo of more ram intensive apps and the IOS 5. Hopefully 5.01 will help
I've noticed that if the "Enunciate auto" is activated, it create that pesky lag in Pages and other text entry apps. I disabled mine in General Settings - Accessibility. I've disabled all "voice" assistances and fixed most of my lags when using the keyboard.

Only lag I find annoying is in safari when I want to do a search in Google or enter manually an URL in the URL bar... Dn't know why, but it's lagging if Safari just opened or is currently downloading a webpage...

VicoPad addict!
DrHouse said:
I've noticed that if the "Enunciate auto" is activated, it create that pesky lag in Pages and other text entry apps. I disabled mine in General Settings - Accessibility. I've disabled all "voice" assistances and fixed most of my lags when using the keyboard.

Only lag I find annoying is in safari when I want to do a search in Google or enter manually an URL in the URL bar... Dn't know why, but it's lagging if Safari just opened or is currently downloading a webpage...

VicoPad addict!

FWIW "Voice Over", "Speak Selection" and "Speak Auto-text" defaults are "Off" in the Accessibility settings.

Periodically clearing Safari's cache (history, cookies, data, etc.) can help improve performance.

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richsadams said:
FWIW "Voice Over", "Speak Selection" and "Speak Auto-text" defaults are "Off" in the Accessibility settings.

Periodically clearing Safari's cache (history, cookies, data, etc.) can help improve performance.

Sent from my iPad using iPF

Oh my bad, wrong translation from my French iPad :)

VicoPad addict!
I've same issue. iPad is veeery slow after upgrade to os 5. I've already restored twice and I've to reset more time per day. Do you know if it is possible to downgrade to os 4.3.5?
It is only possible to downgrade if you took time to save SHSH Blobs for 4.3.5 before you upgraded. Since you probably didn't, you've missed your chance now and I'm afraid you are stuck on 5.0.

If you want to check, you can retrieve all of the blobs you are entitled to use by following this tutorial - http://www.ipadforums.net/jailbreak...01-how-save-your-shsh-blobs-tinyumbrella.html

Don't worry, the program you use does not change your iPad at all. There is no risk. At the end of the tutorial you will see a list of version of IOS in the "General" tab of the program used. You are only able to install these versions of IOS on your device.

If you see 4.3.5 in the list, let me know and I will help you with the downgrade, but the only way this would have happend is if your device was previously jailbroken by somebody else or you yourself saved your blobs before upgrading to 5.0.
The is no way to copy, forge, or otherwise get round Apples security in this regard.
f4780y said:
It is only possible to downgrade if you took time to save SHSH Blobs for 4.3.5 before you upgraded. Since you probably didn't, you've missed your chance now and I'm afraid you are stuck on 5.0.

If you want to check, you can retrieve all of the blobs you are entitled to use by following this tutorial - http://www.ipadforums.net/jailbreaking-hacking-tutorials-how-guides/42301-how-save-your-shsh-blobs-tinyumbrella.html

Don't worry, the program you use does not change your iPad at all. There is no risk. At the end of the tutorial you will see a list of version of IOS in the "General" tab of the program used. You are only able to install these versions of IOS on your device.

If you see 4.3.5 in the list, let me know and I will help you with the downgrade, but the only way this would have happend is if your device was previously jailbroken by somebody else or you yourself saved your blobs before upgrading to 5.0.
The is no way to copy, forge, or otherwise get round Apples security in this regard.

Thanks. Unfortunately I didn't. I'm trying also to contact apple support but it seems the server does not work, or I've bandwidth problem ...
Even better

The new IOS 5 is faster than the previous version on my ipad2, I believe what you are facing is related to connecting to the iCloud. But the IOS5 is more helpfull and furthermore more easy, managing the hardware resources better and faster.
Issues updated: yesterday safari crasced continuously. I reboot device twice.
I never did it before update.......:(
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