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iPad roaming in Europe..France,Italy,Croatia


iPF Noob
Apr 1, 2011
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Hi all,
I would appreciate advice about global roaming options for my iPad in the above countries. I use currently a telstra microsim for Australia and also have an iPhone 3GS so there is incompatibity between sim types for me while in Europe. I want to use my Phone for calls to and from Oz, and my iPad for Internet browsing. I will use wifi if available but would like the flexibility of 3G browsing as well. My microsim in Australia costs me $30 a month for 3gigs of data
Thanks for any help you can give me
If you don't mind paying the roaming charges while you're in Europe your Australian SIM will work just fine in those countries in your iPad. This might be a viable option if you think you'll mainly be able to use WiFi and will only need to use 3G occasionally. You'll need to check with Telstra to ensure that you have data roaming authorised before you go; it's usually not authorised by default. Also you'll need to enable data roaming on your iPad in the iPad's 'Settings' app.

If you plan to use 3G a lot, then it might be worth investing in a pre-paid microSIM in those countries when you arrive. The availability and hassle of getting one varies from country to country. For example, in the UK, there are service providers that offer microSIMs on a pay-as-you-go basis, where you pay up front for a certain data volume that has to be used within a month - use it or lose it. Some countries - Forum members have mentioned France, in particular - it is difficult to get these PAYG microSIMs.

But, for intermittent small volume use, data roaming would work just fine. If you need a link to the Global GSM alliance website, where they have details of the specific authorised GSM operators in each country and the coverage maps, just let us know.

I hope that you enjoy your trip.

The major problem is the global roaming charges from telstra. Thanks for info re France , I gather local sims are hard to get.
Do you know anything about relative value of international global roaming cards for Europe .?
Some members have reported problems with these global roaming cards - so I would be suspicious. I think your best bet is to try to get local SIMs, if you can. It might be worth investing in a 'SIM cutter' that can cut a normal SIM down to microSIM size - sounds crude, but they seem to work just fine. You pop the normal SIM into a slot in the device and then press a lever and it cuts out the microSIM - because, in a normal SIM, all the electronics is in the centre section. Since microSIMs are relatively new, having the ability to convert a normal SIM to a microSIM could be helpful....

Tim. Have read your info to johnarthurson of several months ago but am not sure I understand what to do. We have a new ipad 2 3G formatted for A T&T. Will be in Croatia for about a fortnight and then in Venice for 3 days. What is the best (least expensive) way to be able to use it when not near a free Wi Fi spot? Do I need to purchase a sim card in Croatia when I get there? Would this also work in Italy? Thanks for your help. Tim/Georgia.
We went to italy and croatia a few months ago now. We used a local TIM sim cardfrom a mobile phone shop in Italy without major problems.. The cost was pretty reasonable and coverage in Italy good...no instructions in English so would be worth your while to get the Italian Vendor to deign to help you set it up... It didnt work in Croatia , but we found most hotels had pretty good wifi access except in Plitvice
Tim. Have read your info to johnarthurson of several months ago but am not sure I understand what to do. We have a new ipad 2 3G formatted for A T&T. Will be in Croatia for about a fortnight and then in Venice for 3 days. What is the best (least expensive) way to be able to use it when not near a free Wi Fi spot? Do I need to purchase a sim card in Croatia when I get there? Would this also work in Italy? Thanks for your help. Tim/Georgia.

I think the previous poster's advice is probably what you were looking for; hope you have a great trip.

I honestly thought you might be joking about sim cutting at first, I've never heard of that. I want to take my 3G iPad to Japan so I'm using the advice here as a rough starting point.
No - it's no joke. The removed material is simply excess plastic so it's no big deal really. The advantage of purchasing a commercial SIM cutter - rather than simply using scissors (and care!) is that you get an adaptor with the cutter that allows you to put the newly cut SIM into a holder that's compatible with the regular SIM size.

We're on a European tour that includes five countries, and I went with the prepaid SIM for my 3G iPad, which meant a new carrier for each country. I never used the data roaming option because I didn't know how quickly it would eat up my outlay.

For the record:

Germany A1
Czech Republic O2
Austria T-Mobile
(used only wi-fi in Hungary)
Italy TIM

Had good results with all of the above, but I don't recall offhand what I paid, except that it seemed reasonable. Orange in Austria offered only one year@40€, which I passed on, but it might be worthwhile for someone spending more time there - our typical stay is about two weeks per country.

Tried not to use hotspots because of their relative insecurity, and I wanted to keep tabs on my (dwindling) bank account. ATM charges are a whole 'nother story.
I am thoroughly confused. We have just purchased an Australian iPad 3G Wifi ...where can I get advise as to the best way to use it overseas. We are having a few days in France then the bulk of 8 weeks in Spain & Portugal & 10 days at the end in UK.
I just read of insecurity at hotspots. Why ???
How do we turn of the 3G so that we are only using wifi where available ?
Sorry to sound so dumb but perhaps someone can help please .
woolshed1 said:
I am thoroughly confused. We have just purchased an Australian iPad 3G Wifi ...where can I get advise as to the best way to use it overseas. We are having a few days in France then the bulk of 8 weeks in Spain & Portugal & 10 days at the end in UK.
I just read of insecurity at hotspots. Why ???
How do we turn of the 3G so that we are only using wifi where available ?
Sorry to sound so dumb but perhaps someone can help please .

The good thing about hotspots is that they are (usually) free. The bad things are that
1) software is available to listen in on wifi traffic, and you can't count on it to be encrypted, and
2) you won't always be in the vicinity of a hotspot.

If you don't do anything that requires a password, you should be OK with wifi.

If you use 3G, you'll have connectivity wherever there is cell phone service from the carrier you choose (see below). If you stick to cities, OK, but more rural areas may not hook you up.

Every country in Europe has its own phone carriers, so unless you want to pay roaming charges, you'll needd a new microSIM card and carrier access every time you cross borders. This can be gotten at the offices of the carrier in question, and also usually at places that sell cell phones. (Much of what I say about the iPad also applies to cell phones.)

Based on what previous posters have to say about France, perhaps you should just use wifi there, with the caveats I mentioned earlier. I can't say anything about the other countries on your itinerary, but you can Google "3G carriers in [country]".

To turn on/off 3G, tap the Cellular Data panel in the Settings screen.
Hi , I live in Croatia, and I have couple of questions. If I order online Ipad 3, you know white, 64gb, and take At&t would it work in Croatia? And what exactly is At&t? Thank you :)

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