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iPad Mini Rumored for 2011

Sonny Burnett

iPF Noob
Mar 7, 2010
Reaction score
Boston, MA
I have seen several articles stating that a Digitimes Senior analyst believes that Apple is going to release a 5 to 7 inch version of the iPad in early 2011.

The iPad mini should have a price tag of between $300 and $400 and target people who are mainly interested in reading.

Do you think that this signifies that Apple is preparing to directly take on all of the other eReader devices and dominate the eBooks market the same way that it did the MP3 one?

Any thoughts?
I thought they already have an "iPad Mini," it's called the iPhone/iPod Touch? ;) I don't see the benefit to making an even smaller version of the iPad, but then again, there's a reason they're billionaires and I'm not.
I thought they already have an "iPad Mini," it's called the iPhone/iPod Touch? ;) I don't see the benefit to making an even smaller version of the iPad, but then again, there's a reason they're billionaires and I'm not.

The Touch is an MP3 player. Can anyone really use a 3.5" screen for reading? Just not practical. Apple probably feels that the 7" form factor is better for strictly reading and that the current entry level price tag of $500.00 is too much for people who are debating on just an ereader or a full blown netbook competitor.
While though I can doubt it, I think it might have some merit. Look at the line up of Apple's laptops, there are several size screens. It is possible that Apple wishes to create a range of screen sizes from the touch to the ipad. Again, I still think it's not happening, but who knows?

There might be a maxipad too :p One a lil thicker with a built in card reader and usb port.
I wouldn't doubt there being one between iPod Touch and iPad size coming out....I could also see a bigger one come out.

7", 10", and maybe 13" models

then the iMacs start coming out.
I thought they already have an "iPad Mini," it's called the iPhone/iPod Touch? ;) I don't see the benefit to making an even smaller version of the iPad, but then again, there's a reason they're billionaires and I'm not.

The Touch is an MP3 player. Can anyone really use a 3.5" screen for reading? Just not practical. Apple probably feels that the 7" form factor is better for strictly reading and that the current entry level price tag of $500.00 is too much for people who are debating on just an ereader or a full blown netbook competitor.

I agree, a 3.5" screen is a bit small. There has been A LOT of crying and tantrums thrown over the lack of iBooks from iPhone/iPod Touch users. I've talked to friends who have read books on their iPhones and they don't seem to mind. However, I was just looking on Amazon and it appears they have a 9.7" version and a 6" version of the Kindle, so perhaps a smaller version could be in the works for Apple.
I agree, a 3.5" screen is a bit small. There has been A LOT of crying and tantrums thrown over the lack of iBooks from iPhone/iPod Touch users. I've talked to friends who have read books on their iPhones and they don't seem to mind. However, I was just looking on Amazon and it appears they have a 9.7" version and a 6" version of the Kindle, so perhaps a smaller version could be in the works for Apple.

The iBook Store is coming to the iPhone and iPod Touch in iPhone OS 4.0
I agree, a 3.5" screen is a bit small. There has been A LOT of crying and tantrums thrown over the lack of iBooks from iPhone/iPod Touch users. I've talked to friends who have read books on their iPhones and they don't seem to mind. However, I was just looking on Amazon and it appears they have a 9.7" version and a 6" version of the Kindle, so perhaps a smaller version could be in the works for Apple.

The iBook Store is coming to the iPhone and iPod Touch in iPhone OS 4.0

Yeah it was funny, the other day when they announced that my friend said...now I don't have to get an iPad....I was like...yeah, they are still very very different.
I agree, a 3.5" screen is a bit small. There has been A LOT of crying and tantrums thrown over the lack of iBooks from iPhone/iPod Touch users. I've talked to friends who have read books on their iPhones and they don't seem to mind. However, I was just looking on Amazon and it appears they have a 9.7" version and a 6" version of the Kindle, so perhaps a smaller version could be in the works for Apple.

The iBook Store is coming to the iPhone and iPod Touch in iPhone OS 4.0

I know, I just thought it was funny reading the reviews on iBooks in the app store. People were taking it personal that Apple hadn't released iBooks for the iPhone/Touch and were giving 1 star ratings to the app.:confused:
I agree, a 3.5" screen is a bit small. There has been A LOT of crying and tantrums thrown over the lack of iBooks from iPhone/iPod Touch users. I've talked to friends who have read books on their iPhones and they don't seem to mind. However, I was just looking on Amazon and it appears they have a 9.7" version and a 6" version of the Kindle, so perhaps a smaller version could be in the works for Apple.

The iBook Store is coming to the iPhone and iPod Touch in iPhone OS 4.0

I know, I just thought it was funny reading the reviews on iBooks in the app store. People were taking it personal that Apple hadn't released iBooks for the iPhone/Touch and were giving 1 star ratings to the app.:confused:

I've actually noticed quite a few apps that people are giving 1 star ratings because there isn't an iPhone version. I thought you had to actually download the app to a device in order to rate it...there should be some kind of moderation for this.
I'll believe it when I see it. We already have an ipad mini IE ipod touch and iphone and yes I've read on my iphone daily for the last year since the kindle for iphone app came out. It's very convenient to read on since it fits in the palm of your hand. I do love reading on my ipad now that we have them.
I'll believe it when I see it. We already have an ipad mini IE ipod touch and iphone and yes I've read on my iphone daily for the last year since the kindle for iphone app came out. It's very convenient to read on since it fits in the palm of your hand. I do love reading on my ipad now that we have them.

I can't stand reading on a small surface. I've barely touched my phone for web browsing since i got the iPad. My phone is now just for streaming audio apps which I use enough to justify it's continued use.
I think there will be a market for a smaller iPad. As an owner of the square nano, I longed for the screen size of the Touch, but realized that it still wasn't enough. The big issue with the iPad is that is big enough for most of us to work with, but it is also going to difficult to carry around. A smaller iPad will suit some who need a bigger screen, but also need to put it in a large pocket. A larger iPad may be more difficult to sell. Unless it can be used as a wall mount device, I would wonder about its potential.
Interesting conversation. I was just saying to my husband this morning that it would be nice if they had a smaller iPad - somewhere in between the Touch and the iPad. I find the iPad heavy and hard to hold a lot of the time when playing games and lately when using a sketching app, and definitely when reading. I have no problem reading on my Touch, but I also have a Kindle which is the perfect size and weight for long periods of reading.

I love the iPad and have been having a lot of fun trying new apps, but it's killing my left hand from holding it for long periods of time. I sat here just a little while ago thinking of how I could make something, either knit or crocheted, to help me hold it!!! If I can put the iPad down long enough this week, I'm going to design something!! :)


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