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Ipad 3 touch display problem


iPF Noob
Mar 16, 2012
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United States
I got my iPad 3 today and found that the left 1/2 inch portrait side of my iPad screen does not touch properly. The touch is sporadic, and I have found that it will work correctly for about 3-4 minutes then stop working. It only appears on the left side of the screen. I tried resetting the iPad to no avail. If I turn the iPad off, then back on, it works OK for another 3 or 4 minutes. I tried calling Apple, but they are swamped today with calls. I did request repair service on line, and am awaiting a reply from Apple. Is anybody else experiencing this problem?
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Gees that's not good and no, I haven't heard of this problem before. I have found though depending on how I'm holding my iPad that sometimes it doesn't respond as it is registering where I'm holding it, I'll just move my fingers around and then it always works. A trip to the Apple store seems your best option though.

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I have owned an iPad since the first one came out, and have been an Apple user as well as an Apple instructor for years prior to my retirement as a CIO. Prior to the internet in the 1980's I owned and operated the largest multi-line MAC BBS in the US. That should give you an idea of how old I really am.

Getting back to my iPad problem, my reply from Apple was, "we will send you a return box within two days, we will then repair it and send it back". This, after my taking it out of the box and encountering the first problem assigning a network password. First, I would briefly press the number 2, and it would skip about 30 times before stopping. After backspacing to one number 2, I then attempted to press the number 1 key and it was completely non responsive, as well as the Q key, the A key and right down the left hand corner. I then rebooted the iPad only to have it work correctly for about 2-3 minutes. Then the left hand corner keys would do the same thing. If I turn the iPad off and back on again, it will work correctly for about another 2-3 minutes, power off and on again, same thing. I hav also completely reset the iPad (erasing included) only for the same thing to happen again. During a google search, I did find one instance of this problem on an iPad 2, back when it was first released. It seems to be a rare occurrence that has happened before. I have also noticed that some of the keys will repeat themselves the minute you briefly touch the key.

Since this was new product right out of the box, I think Apple should have charged my credit card, and sent me a replacement, then credited my card after they received the broken one. The demand for this new iPad will probably dictate that they will try and repair the broken ones in lieu of replacement. Thank you for taking the time to respond to my inquiry, and I hope this is a rare and isolated problem that others do not incur. I envy all of you who received one that works properly. On a happier note, I do still have my trusty iPad 1 to fall back on.
Yes I would say your iPad defintely needs returning, I've never heard of these issues on an iPad before. I would have thought they would just send you a new one and that is what may actually end up happening here. If the Apple store is nearby you could drop in and I feel they would replace it for you immediately. I know what its like to buy DOA products and it's very disappointing. I'm so glad you do have your ipad1 to use in the meantime, but still, a disappointment for sure.
This morning when I turned my new iPad on, I noticed that it rebooted itself, even though I had erased it last night and rebooted it. After it rebooted this morning, this problem is gone and I have no reason why. There was no internet set up as yet, so Apple could have not applied any patches without my knowledge. I have used it all day without any problem whatsoever. Beats me! I just hope the problem is gone forever. My nearest Apple store is about 50 miles, and maybe one day this coming week, I will take it down and have them run diagnostics on it, or try and get a replacement. Apple's instructions (read the fine print) did say if I send it in and they find nothing wrong with it I will be charged a minimum of $100.
Well that's certainly good news, but I can't explain it either. Could there be something loose in your iPad? Who knows?
I would still be a tad worried it could go again, though you do have a year of warranty. I guess they need to have that fine print, there's a lot of issues that can be fixed very easily, although I don't think yours is one of them. A trip to the Apple store is the best way to go and we've never heard of them actually fixing an iPad for members, they always just replace the iPad with another and it's sure to be a new one right now as its too early for refurbished ones as yet. Good luck and have a safe trip!
I certainly hope your problem has indeed gone away, but problems of this nature is usually caused by the digitizer screen which is attached behind the glass, and its this that translates your finger touches on the screen, it's also possible and very likely in this instance that the small press on connector at the end of the digitizer ribbon cable is not connecting properly either will cause the problems you reported, but usually when it's just one section of the display when touch responses are not working its generally because one pin on the connector is not making contact... but right pain to fix as obviously the front screen has to be removed, and they are litterally glued in... well it's actually special doubled sided tape....lol..but seriously awkward to remove, a hot airgun has to be used to soften the glue so the screen can be carefully prised up.

I've taken several iphones apart to replace smashed screens after being dropped, including my own, and I feel fairly certain the iPads will be similar.. sadly however all this is meaningless, as it's not a job most people will want to undertake or be able to do. So as already stated, in the event the fault returns, unfortunately your only option is to send it in for repair... not the news you want to hear I know... sorry!
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