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Ipad 2 case


iPF Noob
Feb 29, 2012
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I am a middle school teacher. I am looking for the best case to protect my iPad. My biggest concern is having students drop it. We have already had two broken at our school from students dropping them. Remember I am a teacher and can't afford a really expensive case. I want the most protection for the most value.
Otterbox Defender. And then for extra safety keep it in a padded bag designed for a 10" notebook computer. I know it's hard to believe but my working environment is even more dangerous than a classroom full of 14 year olds, and my iPad survives.
Gumdrop drop tech or Wardmaster envelope case. Both very good in my opinion. You can watch videos on you tube of people dropping them from ridiculous heights.
the evio harmony would help cos it protects the back and front of the ipad, as i ve been using it for a while now.
you can take a look at their website by googling evio harmony.
I have an Evio Harmony case and like it very much. It's unique and very attractive. Have to say, though, that I wouldn't recommend it for the the OP's requirements. The Gumdrop or Otterbox options, I think, provide significantly better protection in an environment full of middle school students.
Gumdrop drop tech or Griffin Survivor. The Survivor offers the most protection of any case I know, but the drop tech is a tad slimmer. Not a fan of the otterbox.

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First, choose one magnesium alloy case to protect your ipad.
Second, take a rope on the other's case prevent your students drop it.
I have the griffin survivor and it's a beast. The only one I know of that's passed military specs for durability. It has it's draw backs because of how bulky it is but for a classroom setting I can't think of a better case. The otterbox isn't worth the money, no full time screen protector and way to many open spots allowing liquid into the device.
Thanks everyone. I was looking at the M edge and the grip case. I know they both seem like over kill, but I figure if they are good for toddlers then they would work for middle schools. Anyone know anything about either of them?

We are looking at getting a class set so price is a bit of an issue.

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