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ipad 2 ATT in Germany or in general in Europe


iPF Noob
hi everybody

i have an ipad 2 64GB ATT that ibought 7 months ago. I am going to upgrade to ipad 3 (HD) soon. I would like to give this ipad to my family in Germany. O2 company offered iphone and ipad in Germany.

My question to all of you is: (if anybody knows)
would the ipad 2 work in Germany if somebody had it in Germany and want to use the service provided by O2 ?
i know from experience that when i travel to Germany, my iphone automatically picks up the service that is offered there with iphone, Vodaphone or O2. I have heard that ipad 2 is unlocked. is that correct ?

any answers would be appreciated. Thanks
Hi chou...From what I have read here from other members-you shouldn't have a problem with using it in Germany. See this link. http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-carriers/18991-using-ipad-germany-o2.html

ee if that helps you any, if not-let us know. I am not certain what you mean by "unlocked?" All ipad locked when purchased-in other words it is a stock device. Unless you have performed a jail break to your ipad would it be unlocked. Apologies forward if I misunderstood what you meant.


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I agree, your family shouldn't have a problem. As far as I know - at least here in Germany - iPads are not locked. If this is the case in other countries as well, then every iPad can be used with every provider worldwide. As long as there is a micro sim card from your desired provider.

Hope this helps.

Hello there,
I visit Czech Republic with my iPad2. I obtain micro sim card from O2, and it was awesome. They have a great coverage and it is much cheaper then here in Canada. You shouldn't have any problem in Germany.

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