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iPad 1 Rplacement


iPF Novice
Jun 6, 2010
Reaction score
Sydney, Australia
The time came to replace my iPad and I went for the Galaxy Tab 7.7.

Micro SD slot
Open file system

I couldn't care less about Flash except that lots of web sites use it.

No AirPlay video mirroring

It takes a while to get used to the smaller size but you do quickly adjust to it. The iPad feels like a dinosaur when you go back to it.
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I just switched to a Samsung Galaxy Note from iPhone 4S and find pluses as well as minuses. Just a matter of user preference.

All that matters is that you find something that works for you. For millions of iPad users, that's the case. There's no "best" device, except for each individual user.
I just switched to a Samsung Galaxy Note from iPhone 4S and find pluses as well as minuses. Just a matter of user preference.

All that matters is that you find something that works for you. For millions of iPad users, that's the case. There's no "best" device, except for each individual user.
Agreed. The one thing that really strikes you after using other tablets is the bulk and weight of the iPad, somehing that has been criticised from the start. The same goes for the iPhone. My Galaxy S II looks very svelt next to the iPhone.
I sometimes find iPad too heavy or bulky to take on the go, especially if I want to take a cute, little purse, lol. I got the Galaxy Note 5" phablet because it's a 'tweener. I like being able to carry one device so I can make calls and not be limited to a small screen. I still prefer a full-size tablet for surfing and streaming at home, though.

It's great to have choices.

I might switch to a Galaxy Tab down the road. One thing I don't like about Samsung: They sometimes leave users stranded on firmware, and they abandon devices at times because they seem to throw a lot against a wall and see whether it sticks. Android is nice for flexibility, but has drawbacks, too. On Galaxy Note, for instance, Ice Cream Sandwich has been delayed.

With Apple, you can better predict firmware upgrades, etc., because they control everything.
Google needs to get some issues resolved with Android. A recent article mentioned that app programmers were dropping Android support. Many of the really popular apps for iOS can take up to a year to be made Android ready, and when they do so, the payoff is very poor compared with selling through Apple. Apps are what make or break a system. If Google cannot get the app designers to make an effort, they are going to be always running a poor second.

As far as the Galaxie Tab, I do not need anything smaller than my iPad, or I would have bought an iPhone years ago. And I do not like the quality or features that you get with the Galaxie compared to the iPad.
I'm not worried about there being too few Android apps. It might help cut down the crud that's out there if some developers dropped out. I wouldn't care if all games developers dropped out, for instance.

The stuff I really want -- Kindle, Netflix, news, financial apps -- will exist no matter, unless those companies want to lose a big segment of the market. I doubt that will happen.
The time came to replace my iPad and I went for the Galaxy Tab 7.7.

Micro SD slot
Open file system

I couldn't care less about Flash except that lots of web sites use it.

No AirPlay video mirroring

It takes a while to get used to the smaller size but you do quickly adjust to it. The iPad feels like a dinosaur when you go back to it.

To each their own. I was an avid droid junky, and still mess around with the droids I still have but for me the day to day use of the iPhone and iPad were just more pleasant. I still want to get my hands on Ice Cream Sandwich for more than 5 minutes at best buy. I'm guessing the Galaxy still comes with Honeycomb, are you planning on rooting or anything?
I actually went the opposite way recently. From an Acer Iconia A500 to a new iPad and I can't tell you how much better it is. I don't miss the flash capability/Micro-SD slot/open file system/etc at all. In fact, Android felt clunky in comparison (felt more like Linux than an OS of it's own) and I became disillusioned by the whole Android thing, OS, Apps, Updates, etc.
Sleaka J said:
I actually went the opposite way recently. From an Acer Iconia A500 to a new iPad and I can't tell you how much better it is. I don't miss the flash capability/Micro-SD slot/open file system/etc at all. In fact, Android felt clunky in comparison (felt more like Linux than an OS of it's own) and I became disillusioned by the whole Android thing, OS, Apps, Updates, etc.

I went from a Kindle Fire to a 7" Samsung Galaxy Tab to a new iPad (3). While I actually liked the smaller size of the Kindle and Samsung I am much happier with the iPad.

I also have had an iPhone since they first hit the market.
I actually went the opposite way recently. From an Acer Iconia A500 to a new iPad and I can't tell you how much better it is. I don't miss the flash capability/Micro-SD slot/open file system/etc at all. In fact, Android felt clunky in comparison (felt more like Linux than an OS of it's own) and I became disillusioned by the whole Android thing, OS, Apps, Updates, etc.

I wanted a tablet long before iPad existed and remember reading up on Acer or Asus tablets a few years ago. Even the fan forums were full of probs, lol. I figure there's plenty of info online, so research before buying. I ruled out other tablets one by one and held out till iPad. I already had an iPhone, which worked well, so I knew iPad would, too.

Then I held out on Android devices, but kept reading and waiting for improvements to meet my criteria. I've not been disappointed by my Kindle Fire or Samsung Galaxy Note. When I buy any electronics, even after research, I consider my purchase a test drive unless I'm satisfied. Otherwise, I return them. I see no point in keeping a crummy device, or any other purchase.

When I buy stuff, I also consider the time I would waste trying to get something to work as part of the cost. That's why I read up before buying, because I can make more money, but I can never make more time.

At this point, I'm not ready to make a jump to Android tablets as my main device, but I've seen progress and will keep monitoring. Tech evolves relatively quickly and I'm open to any brand, any platform, as long as it meets my priorities. I doubt I'll ever commit to only one platform, because none has everything I want. At this point, I'm on Windows, iOS and Android, all for different priorities.
Well, a few days later and I still like the Galaxy Tab 7.7. The most important advantage over the iPad fir me is that it's half the size and half the weight. I also like the open file system, micrro SD slot and GPS reciever. The iPad will be kept for my wife to use, mainly for email, she's a computer Luddite and makes no applogies for it. I will probably keep using the iPad for banking (until I feel more confident about Android security) and for Splashtop, for the larger screen size, Splashtop IS actually available for Android. One request to both Apple and Google, PLEASE can we have cursor keys:).

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