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iPF Noob
May 7, 2010
Reaction score
Stockholm, Sweden
Macuser since OS 7.0; also Palm user from Palm III -- Palm TX
iMac PPC; PC hp Win7; no iPhone --> waiting for iPad 3G instead.
I'm much away from the desk, so the main idea for an iPad 3G is to be mobile and online and still have the advantage of a super-light (non-)laptop.
But the iPad 3G for me is not only for "consuming content" but also for "creating content" as much as possible.
Welcome Omar, I use my iPad to create keynote presentations and have started using my Dell laptop as an expensive paperweight.
Welcome! I used Palm for years myself. Went to iPhone, and now an iPad owner. You are going to really enjoy it when you get it!
Welcome to the site, hope to see you around!:)

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