Hi All
I have been an Apple fan since 93 when i got my first Mac, a Mac 3.
I've owned many over the years including the first Powerbook.
I now have a G5 Imac which will soon be replaced with a Powerbook
Pro 15 inch i7 processor with hidef display and a 64 GB Wi-Fi +3G Ipad
I am semi retired mostly because of the damage done to my retirement
I am eager to learn more about the Ipad and will mostly stay back and read till I know more.
I have been an Apple fan since 93 when i got my first Mac, a Mac 3.
I've owned many over the years including the first Powerbook.
I now have a G5 Imac which will soon be replaced with a Powerbook
Pro 15 inch i7 processor with hidef display and a 64 GB Wi-Fi +3G Ipad
I am semi retired mostly because of the damage done to my retirement
I am eager to learn more about the Ipad and will mostly stay back and read till I know more.