iPF Noob
I'm planning to buy the I Pad 2 when it will ship with IOS5 installed. Presently, I have an IMac G3 or G4 purchased (don't know which) purchased in 2003 with operating system 10.1. I just got a DSL line and Wi-Fi installed two weeks ago and find while I can receive e-mail with the Mail program, I cannot send e-mail as there is no place to enter the outgoing mail port number for my ISP provider. This is prompting me now to purchase the I Pad 2 as with IOS5, as I will not need a more modern computer to manage it with ITunes. I tried downloading I Tunes to the Mac and that doesn't work either. I'm hoping that after Wednesday the I PAd I order from the Apple store will come with IOS5. I've had the I Pod Touch for two years and I love it.