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iCloud and sharing music


iPF Noob
May 20, 2011
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I know iCloud is almost here and I've been reading a lot to see how it will work, however, what I can't find is how it will handle a situation like my family...we currently have a family acct with my .me as the main subscriber and wife and kids with add on accts. However, we all buy & store music on our main household computer with my acct. Anyone know if we will all be able to stream music with iCloud & iTunes Match?
Icloud isn't streaming but down loading. You can download on unto 10 different devices using the same account. So you just need to sign into your account on each of the devices.
I guess I am more concerned about iTunes match and sharing between family accts.
All of the music in your iTunes account as well as anything you have manually loaded into iTunes on your PC will be available in iCloud and you will be able to select what music syncs on which device...

The details are confusing. I would like entire familiy to be able to have access to my account MUSIC and PHOTOS, BUT I need to preserve security of my documents (all work related and all confidential). Is this level of user control possible?
Not enough detail is available yet to tell. Sorry.


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