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iBooks app, Kindle app or Nook app, which will you use?

Yea jobs mentioned adding "video" to your books during the unveiling. That is a leg up on the other ereaders. I don't see Amazon or Nook keeping multiple versions of the same book... one for their respective devices and another for their iPad app where the iPad version would/could have more functionality ie sound/video.
Yea jobs mentioned adding "video" to your books during the unveiling. That is a leg up on the other ereaders. I don't see Amazon or Nook keeping multiple versions of the same book... one for their respective devices and another for their iPad app where the iPad version would/could have more functionality ie sound/video.
I don't know about the Nook, but Amazon's Kindles have an eink display. Eink cannot display video because refresh rate is user provided. Meaning that display is only changed when the user command's it. Video is impossible then.
I don't know about the Nook, but Amazon's Kindles have an eink display. Eink cannot display video because refresh rate is user provided. Meaning that display is only changed when the user command's it. Video is impossible then.
Exactly... and I don't think they'll keep multiple versions of the books just so the ones in their respective iPad app will have more functionality... which is one area where iBooks will have a leg up on the other apps.
I don't know about the Nook, but Amazon's Kindles have an eink display. Eink cannot display video because refresh rate is user provided. Meaning that display is only changed when the user command's it. Video is impossible then.
Exactly... and I don't think they'll keep multiple versions of the books just so the ones in their respective iPad app will have more functionality... which is one area where iBooks will have a leg up on the other apps.
Absolutely. I can't wait to make videebooks on iBooks...

and sooooo loking forward to PDFs on the iPad too!:)
Louis L'aMour books

Yea jobs mentioned adding "video" to your books during the unveiling. That is a leg up on the other ereaders. I don't see Amazon or Nook keeping multiple versions of the same book... one for their respective devices and another for their iPad app where the iPad version would/could have more functionality ie sound/video.

It is said that all his stories were written with actual geographical landmarks in mind. Would be cool to see a picture of those landmarks in his books. Or a short video of a bucking horse, branding or windstorm.
sooooo loking forward to PDFs on the iPad too!:)

I'm with ya there! I've got a couple of hundred tech PDF books.

I convert alot of stuff to PDFs what have you heard about getting them on an iPod??

What I used to do on my iPhone was if they were small enough... just email them to myself and it would load them in Safari (not the most ideal way). Then I stumbled across an app called GoodReader. Definitely worth the price!
Lastly, Apple is using the EPUB standard which is considered the Universal standard. Epub was born out of long discussions between ebook device manufacturers, Publishing Houses and Authors to be a unification standard

Apple is using epub and although epub was built as a universal standard transferable across multiple devices they left out a requirement to either not use drm or standardize on one drm method. So, although epub is a standard, there are currently three separate drm schemes in use on epubs. There is the standard Adobe Adept drm, the ereader/B&N drm and lastly the new drm layer apple is using. The digital book business is still a mess which is why I typically buy in a format that allows me to strip the drm, however only for my personal use.
I hope I'm not violating any forum rules, but for those interested in ebook applications of the ipad check out mobileread.com. I'm not affiliated with the forum, only a member, but it is a wealth of information on anything related to ebooks and ereaders.
Yea jobs mentioned adding "video" to your books during the unveiling. That is a leg up on the other ereaders. I don't see Amazon or Nook keeping multiple versions of the same book... one for their respective devices and another for their iPad app where the iPad version would/could have more functionality ie sound/video.

It is said that all his stories were written with actual geographical landmarks in mind. Would be cool to see a picture of those landmarks in his books. Or a short video of a bucking horse, branding or windstorm.
How about an eversion of the Potter novels with animated "pictures" and underling minor agent based AI to make characters in the "pictures" actually wander the between illustrations.

Now there is gimic if ever there was one.
How about an eversion of the Potter novels with animated "pictures" and underling minor agent based AI to make characters in the "pictures" actually wander the between illustrations.

Now there is gimic if ever there was one.

That would be AWESOME! Images within the book come alive much like the newspapers in the movie! I love it!
I'll use whichever app will display the book(s) I want from the vendor with the lowest price.

Yep, me too :)

That is of course if the reader app is good and does not detract from the reading experience.

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