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IBM and Box Release New and Improved Version of Expert Seller App


iPadForums News Team
Jun 7, 2010
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IBM and Box release Expert Seller MobileFirst app.JPG

IBM and cloud storage service Box have teamed up to release a new version of their MobileFirst iOS app, Expert Seller. Announcing the new app in a blog post, Box said that the new version of Expert Seller is the first IBM MobileFirst for iOS app to be built on Box Platform, and “extends the robust enterprise features from Box to all of its users.”

Sales organizations can use the new app to manage and interact with content on the go. Here are some of its main features:

· Quickly prepare for interactions with customers and prospects with up-to-date, curated sales and marketing content on an intuitive interface, so they can spend less time searching, and more time engaging with clients.

· Easily identify the materials most relevant to them, determined by past successes, as well as what colleagues have indicated is effective.

· Present their preferred materials to customers and clients in an more interactive and dynamic way.

The original app has already been a big success, with IBM using it with its sales force in 52 countries in order to deliver vital content to its sales teams in the field. Box says that by using Expert Seller, IBM has already had a 25% decrease in the length of time taken preparing for client meetings.

Expert Seller with Box Platform is available via IBM Marketplace

Source: IBM Chooses Box Platform to Power Expert Seller | Box Blog

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