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I Tunes


iPF Noob

i have a questin about use of itunes on ipad 2.
I think that I'm missing something.

I have this document in number that I want to share.
I choose to send it like a pdf-file to itunes.
Where do I find this document now??

When I open itunes on the ipad, it looks different from the itunes on my pc.

When I connect the ipad to my pc for syncronise them, I only find music and other files from my iBook folder.

Can anyone help me??

It's probably easier to email the PDF file to whoever you want to share it with.

You can choose, in Numbers - or any of the iWorks suite - to email a PDF copy.

I agree with Tim, in that it is usually easier to email the document, especially for PDFs.

However; if you want to find it in iTunes on the computer, then you need to have the iPad connected and selected in the Devices list in iTunes. Select the Apps page from the top, and scroll down to the File Sharing section. Select Numbers and you should see all files that you chose to export to iTunes.

Note, that moving files on and off of the iPad using File Sharing does not require a sync. The files are moved immediately.

In the iWorks apps (like Numbers), if you copy a file to the app using File Sharing in iTunes, it is copied to the iPad, but the file has not actually been imported to the app. You need to create a new document and import from iTunes before you will see it.
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Drop box or EverNotes are standard choices you may also conceder

Sent from my iPad using iPF

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