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I can Wi-Fi Verizon...


iPF Noob
Apr 30, 2010
Reaction score
Salisbury Maryland
I have had tons of problems with Verizon (home also because I am in the boonies) .. the DSL at my business has been downloading in the lower 25 percentile for months. I have spent hours with the 'Mac Specialists' (who, do not use Macs?!) ..in frustration, they sent me a new wire modem.. and later, when I finally spoke to a Retention Specialist (the last one you speak to before break the contract) she said; "I have heard that the wireless modem works a lot better with Macs. Why don't I send you one..."

All I care about is 'what works'. I only have a few minutes for hate before I move on..

She was right. I am paying for 3mbs download speeds and with this wireless modem (Westell A90) I can get 3mbs! I can also use three other Macs in my shop...

AND I'll BE DAMNED .. the iPad too! Rather than cable to this Mac, I simply clicked on iTunes and it upgraded 6 apps easy as hell. I get great, AT&T 3G service because I am close to town, but I think .. I don't need to use so much AT&T bandwith if I can Wi-Fi off the unlimited, Verizon DSL.

Anyway, it works. ..for this I am grateful.
I'm fortunate, in my neck of the woods, Utah, Verizon has great coverage and service. Salisbury would be a nice place to live, however, I've been to that part of Maryland before and love the beaches that are close by, and the baskets of crabs you can get for dinner :)
We have AT$T U-Verse, which believe it or not is pretty good (well the internet is...not the cable)...I get about 20Mb/s down and 3Mb/s up. Average about 13Mb/s on my iPad.
3mbps is it? I have comcast and push 14-18 download speeds. Before it was around 28 when I had their premium service
Ya Waka ... 3mbs is bonus service .. for the last 5 months of Verizon DSL .. I was under 2mbs. at speedtest.net and Verizon tech people told me; "That is good!" My contract is over in the Spring, and even tho' Comcast is nothing but evil in another form, I am going to have to switch. Only a fool pays people to bend you forward.

..then, just now, I tested it again. Oooops!


This is the benchmark Verizon uses for testing when you call to complain. Note - center left: 'Your Results .. ISP Average' ...and a whole bunch of you want to switch to Verizon! Think again...

ipr - the beaches away from Ocean City are nice. I'm at the Fed. Park 2X a week to kitesurf when the wind is right. I'm from the midwest so these nasty little crabs seem nothing special. Not even enough solid meat on them to make good fish bait.

Cheers all.
Here's a concrete example: I am in the process of an upload to YT of my Golden Doodle pulling me on a skateboard... It's 1.56GB. At the current rate Verizon is providing me - it will take 4.5hours.

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